View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) Far Cry 3 Lost Expeditions Edition - PS3, X360, PC (UK PAL)

03-27-2012, 11:09 AM
Full Game Name: Far Cry 3
Edition Name: Lost Expeditions Edition
Platform(s): PS3, X360, PC
Region(s): UK (possibly rest of Europe)
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 7th August 2012
Price (RRP): £39.99 (PS3, X360), £29.99 (PC)
Bar Code: Unknown
Package Description: See links
Content Description: See links
Link(s) to source(s):

PS3 (£38.86) - http://www.shopto.net/PS3/VIDEO%20GAMES/PS3FA13-Far%20Cry%203%20The%20Lost%20Expeditions%20Edition .html
X360 (£38.86) - http://www.shopto.net/XBOX%20360/VIDEO%20GAMES/XB2FA26-Far%20Cry%203%20The%20Lost%20Expeditions%20Edition .html
PC (£29.86) - http://www.shopto.net/PC/VIDEO%20GAMES/PCFA15-Far%20Cry%203%20The%20Lost%20Expeditions.html

PS3 (£39.99) - http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/4-/20428207/Far-Cry-3-The-Lost-Expeditions-Edition/Product.html
X360 (£39.99) - http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/20428208/Far-Cry-3-The-Lost-Expeditions-Edition/Product.html
PC (£29.99) - http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/20428210/Far-Cry-3-The-Lost-Expeditions-Edition/Product.html

The Hut:
PS3 (£37.85) - http://www.thehut.com/games/platforms/ps3/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480737.html
X360 (£37.85) - http://www.thehut.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480736.html
PC (£32.85) - http://www.thehut.com/games/platforms/pc/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480738.html

PS3 (£37.85) - http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/ps3/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480737.html
X360 (£37.85) - http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480736.html
PC (£32.85) - http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/pc/far-cry-3-the-lost-expenditions-edition/10480738.html

Other Info/Pics:

It appears that some retailers have a listing for just "Far Cry 3", whereas other retailers are listing "Far Cry 3 Lost Expeditions Edition". No retailer currently has two separate editions listed, leading me to assume that this may be a "First Edition". However, I have seen two separate cover designs doing he rounds, which leads me to speculate that this may be a "Day One" edition, with a separate "Standard" edition available from other retailers

No doubt a higher tier Collector's Edition is in the pipeline, but we will most likely have to wait until closer to the release date to find out more details

03-28-2012, 06:47 AM
Thank you Gemini! Extremely excited for this game!:beer:

03-28-2012, 08:00 AM
Probably a dlc edition

03-28-2012, 11:53 AM
looking forward to seeing if they do a proper collectors edition - bring it on!

03-28-2012, 03:45 PM
looking forward to seeing if they do a proper collectors edition - bring it on!

I'm hoping so. Would be an epic waste of an opportunity if they didn't, especially as the Far Cry 2 CE was so nice, even if it was over-produced by several thousand

I haven't played any of the previous Far Cry games, but this one certainly looks... Interesting. It looks very similar to the Crysis games, which is hardly surprising considering the developer

03-28-2012, 03:49 PM
Yeah i think all we get from this developer now is a better more refinded version of one of their previous games - Crysis was basically Far Cry 1 with tweaks and improvements and now Far Cry 3 looks like a combination of them both with more tweaks, improvements and graphical quality stuffed in - and i don't mind that - if they deliver a quality game and experience.