View Full Version : Bubble wrap marks?!
03-29-2012, 02:41 PM
I received a steelbook that was wrapped in bubble wrap...
and now there are bubble wrap stains! And they don't wipe off...they're pretty in there.
Has anybody had this problem before? Please help! :surrender:
03-29-2012, 02:46 PM
How can bubble wrap leave stains? Do you have a pic?
03-29-2012, 03:06 PM
How can bubble wrap leave stains? Do you have a pic?
I think he means imprints from the bubble wrap - can happen sometimes if the bubble wrap is low quality
03-29-2012, 03:14 PM
Yes this is a problem for many sealed collector's
They are packed the wrong way round, there is a reason that the bubbles are on one side only.
What happens is when they get pressure experted on them for long periods they leave indentations on the seal.
Also if bubble wrap is dirty from dust, etc - they leave the marks because again pressures onto it during shipping.
I have received a few like this, don't bother cleaning it unless you use a very clean link free cloth, even then more likely to add imperfections.
Yes this is a problem for many sealed collector's
They are packed the wrong way round, there is a reason that the bubbles are on one side only.
What happens is when they get pressure experted on them for long periods they leave indentations on the seal.
Also if bubble wrap is dirty from dust, etc - they leave the marks because again pressures onto it during shipping.
I have received a few like this, don't bother cleaning it unless you use a very clean link free cloth, even then more likely to add imperfections.
which side supposedly the bubbles are to be? facing the items or facing outwards?
03-29-2012, 04:02 PM
Facing outwards I think, so that any impact they receive will cause them to burst, protecting the contents, whereas if they are inwards they can't burst as easily to prevent impact? xx
Facing outwards I think, so that any impact they receive will cause them to burst, protecting the contents, whereas if they are inwards they can't burst as easily to prevent impact? xx
Ahh I was place them inwards to promote cushioning haha. >.<
03-29-2012, 04:20 PM
Ahh I was place them inwards to promote cushioning haha. >.<
Vhal is right, bubbles on the outside.
well ya learn something new everyday, i use aircap bubble wrap, thats of a decent quality guys, feels nice and thick unlike some lesser shitty bubble wrap
03-29-2012, 07:45 PM
well ya learn something new everyday, i use aircap bubble wrap, thats of a decent quality guys, feels nice and thick unlike some lesser shitty bubble wrap
Definitely the best but too bad not the cheapest.
03-29-2012, 08:51 PM
Everything I've ever received bubble wrapped have always had the bubble part facing the item. I think the twain being is that out protects item better with the cushioning against impact, the flat surface acts like skin which prevents sharper objects reaching into the item.
Factors that causes bubble wrap making may including poor quality plastic, heat, kept under bubble wrap condition for long periods and maybe even humidity and pressure!?
I normally wrap the item with sheets of foam/styrofoam (?) and then bubble wrap over it.
03-29-2012, 09:49 PM
Everything I've ever received bubble wrapped have always had the bubble part facing the item. I think the twain being is that out protects item better with the cushioning against impact, the flat surface acts like skin which prevents sharper objects reaching into the item.
Factors that causes bubble wrap making may including poor quality plastic, heat, kept under bubble wrap condition for long periods and maybe even humidity and pressure!?
I normally wrap the item with sheets of foam/styrofoam (?) and then bubble wrap over it.
Every time I ship something requires bubble wrap I use brown paper to like gift wrap it first then bubble wrap it with bubble facing outwards. If I don't have brown paper I just double bubble wrap first with small bubbles then larger ones :D
BTW this was a random post but informative :D
03-29-2012, 10:37 PM
Thanks Jugo :)
I like the sound of that Butters..."double trouble bubble wrap first with small bubbles then larger ones"
03-29-2012, 10:47 PM
I have one steelbook (Batman AC: Joker) that has a few round bubblewrap marks, that might be due to it having plain metal parts and not painted like the majority of steelbooks.
I always thought the bubbles had to face inwards so tape could be applied easily. It's a bit hard putting masking tape over bubbles, doesn't stick very well. :nosleep:
03-29-2012, 10:52 PM
I have one steelbook (Batman AC: Joker) that has a few round bubblewrap marks, that might be due to it having plain metal parts and not painted like the majority of steelbooks.
I always thought the bubbles had to face inwards so tape could be applied easily. It's a bit hard putting masking tape over bubbles, doesn't stick very well. :nosleep:
dude, what happened to your plastic slip case? O.o
I think bubble wraps are designed to have the bubbles facing inwards for protection and ease of security as Caz pointed out.:thumb:
03-29-2012, 11:56 PM
Many people say the same thing, that bubbles go on the inside. This is to help stop knives going through. Also it spread pressure over many bubbles.
However a knife will go through no matter which way, also the even pressure, that if enough applied will mark item.
Where as if outside they will not the mark item no matter how pressure, while still giving a great deal of protection from shocks and impact. Although I bubble wrap twice if not three times. So do outside, then inside. get best of both worlds.
The only time inside bubble is used is when you just used bubble wrap and no box. This is because the flat edge is used for paper wrap and to help against impacts. But this is when it's likely to get most pressure force on bubbles with the item most likely marked.
So I see no point in having them on inside.
I guess it's down to choices, some prefer bubble wrapping inside, as it provide uniform cushioning and protection with easy to seal on the flat surface outside. The surface outside is also more durable.. Disadvantage is if it's bubble wrapped too long it leaves marks. This can be prevented by wrapping a brown paper like buttah's method.. Also padded envelops have bubbles facing in..
As for if it is outside, damage will go towards the bubbles first, but uneven protection I guess... This method is good for multiple packages ship together which minimises tendency of items sliding against each other..
Did a bit of google search and found these reasoning lol
anyways, every package I received so far has bubbles inside like what matrix6 said
03-30-2012, 01:43 AM
Perhaps they're should be a 'Poll' now? :???:
Many have given exceptional reasons of whether they do it an 'inny' or 'outy' :D
As well as offering extra advice and suggestions in other ways to pack things in addition to bubble wraps.
Although, if bubble wraps have the potential to cause irreversible "damage", then perhaps shrink wraps may have the same advent effects after a long period for steelbooks? :blackeye:
03-30-2012, 05:18 AM
I recently bought a G2 steelbook off biscuitnoir and when it arrived, there were bubble wrap marks on the steelbook. But they disappeared after awhile so I forgot about it.
I'd be pretty bumped if they stuck on forever. Try checking again after a few days?
03-30-2012, 10:32 AM
dude, what happened to your plastic slip case? O.o
I think bubble wraps are designed to have the bubbles facing inwards for protection and ease of security as Caz pointed out.:thumb:
I use the protective slips when I get the case in my hand, however it's a bit hard when it arrives from the seller like that (you can blame Ryaku, that's who I bought it off). :facepalm:
03-30-2012, 10:47 AM
That's a little mean, saying to blame someone :shrug:
Ryaku packaged my steels perfectly xx
03-30-2012, 11:30 AM
That's a little mean, saying to blame someone :shrug:
Ryaku packaged my steels perfectly xx
The packaging wasn't a problem and everything arrived in perfect condition, except for the bubblewrap marks. I didn't worry too much about it and didn't want to make a fuss.
Not trying to be mean, just stating a fact. :thumb:
03-30-2012, 12:13 PM
Okay :) Probably just that "blame" was the wrong word :) I get ya :) xx
04-17-2012, 02:12 PM
For those looking to get Air Cap quality bubble rap, this seller on ebay is selling it for a very good price
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