View Full Version : Selling some rare press kits and CEs (Will update)

The Ominous
04-12-2012, 03:23 AM
Hello all,

I hope to sell some rare and cool things that I do not need for now.

Most of the prices are firm, but I do consider offers.

Below is the list of the items I wish to sell:

Legend of Zelda Japanese Famitsu Box
(Extremely Rare, everything is excellent condition and I haven't opened its contents.)

50GBP/65 euro/80 + shipping

Pictures: http://s1189.photobucket.com/albums/z430/Kwadhwa95/LOZ%20Famitsu%20Box/

The Darkness 2 Darkling Statue
(Box has some imperfections, but the statue is in the original plastic and in MINT condition, very low number #91!)

75GBP/90 euro/$115 + shipping

Pictures: http://s1189.photobucket.com/albums/z430/Kwadhwa95/Darkness%202%20Statue/

Assassins Creed 1 Limited Edition Xbox 360
(No game or bonus disks, but includes all other items in great condition with minimal wear, figure in immaculate condition)

28GBP/35 euro/ $40 + shipping

Pictures: http://s1189.photobucket.com/albums/z430/Kwadhwa95/Assassins%20Creed%20Limited%20Edition/

Heavy Rain Press Kit
(Signed by all voice actors and has the launch party armband)

$1000 or offer

Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85/img0521do.jpg/

Items Sold:
Ninja Gaiden Collectors Edition (completed)
Assassins Creed White Edition Figure (completed)
Bayonetta Climax Edition + Replica Gun (completed)

I also accept trades for things in my wanted thread, but it never hurts to see if I'm interested in anything else.

Here it is below:


Also I hope my conversions make everything easier for you guys and I will add more if needed. :)

Thanks for looking and I will update this thread with pics and more things.

04-12-2012, 03:30 AM
Will you trade the autographed heavy rain press kit

The Ominous
04-12-2012, 03:34 AM
Don't know what I would trade it for, but what did you have in mind?

04-12-2012, 04:49 AM
From your list I have the ninja gaiden sigma 2 collectors edition and the metal gear solid 4 limited edition

The Ominous
04-12-2012, 04:57 AM
Hmm I think I would only consider trading the signed heavy rain press kit for another one of a kind item.

Do you have anything signed or really limited?

As for the Ninja Gaiden 2 CE and the Metal Gear Solid 4 LE would you consider trading for anything else I have for sale?

04-12-2012, 05:04 AM
I am only really interested in the press kit. Well I also have uncharted 2 and 3 autographed by the naughty dog team.

The Ominous
04-12-2012, 05:09 AM
Well I'm not the biggest uncharted fan, so I guess I'll have to say no to the trade.

If you wish to offer me a price though, I can consider it.

Thanks for your time.

04-12-2012, 01:54 PM
Do you have pictures of the heavy rain kit with autographs?

The Ominous
04-12-2012, 04:51 PM
Do you have pictures of the heavy rain kit with autographs?

The link below shows a picture of all the signatures and the launch party armband:


I can post more of them if you would like.

(Will update the thread with more pictures soon.)

The Ominous
04-13-2012, 04:20 AM
Updated thread with pics.

Also lowered the price of the Killzone 2 Press Kit since it has few imperfections after looking carefully at it.

If anyone is interested in anything, please let me know.

Also if anyone wants to make an offer, don't hesitate in doing so, I really don't get upset or anything even if you make me a low offer.

Thanks for looking :)

The Ominous
04-19-2012, 12:30 AM
Small update.

The Ominous
05-07-2012, 04:21 AM

The Ominous
05-20-2012, 12:47 AM
Lowered all prices.

05-20-2012, 06:23 AM
AC LE for 45$ without a game + shipping is just way overpriced...

The Ominous
05-20-2012, 06:40 PM
AC LE for 45$ without a game + shipping is just way overpriced...

At first I was going to say that you are wrong, but demand for it has gone done a lot. Still, I do see it sell for around my price.

Also if you look on ebay people have listed it for a much higher price than mine.

One more thing, you do know you are not allowed to post in a thread if you feel the items are overpriced, right?

As some things you feel are overpriced are not overpriced to others.

Next time please don't post in thread if you feel it is overpriced, as it really does nothing.

Thanks for your input though ;)

05-20-2012, 09:29 PM
At first I was going to say that you are wrong, but demand for it has gone done a lot. Still, I do see it sell for around my price.

Also if you look on ebay people have listed it for a much higher price than mine.

One more thing, you do know you are not allowed to post in a thread if you feel the items are overpriced, right?

As some things you feel are overpriced are not overpriced to others.

Next time please don't post in thread if you feel it is overpriced, as it really does nothing.

Thanks for your input though ;)


WOW! Last time I saw these was a month ago. I never knew there was a demand, I guess I'm now outdated.

Thanks for telling me the rule, I apologize :hug:

05-21-2012, 12:53 AM
Omnious, i think this item could sell quite well, especially if you list it on ebay with shipping to europe. The press kits (heavy rain and kz) are i think just a tad overpriced considering ebay prices (this is not badly meant, but if you want to sell fast, i think you should offer free shipping or something). Also considers listing on ebay cost 10 percent fees + 5 percent paypal fees (so if you sell here, you will save quite alot, so you can offer better prices).

good luck with sale buddy :)

The Ominous
05-21-2012, 01:58 AM

WOW! Last time I saw these was a month ago. I never knew there was a demand, I guess I'm now outdated.

Thanks for telling me the rule, I apologize :hug:

Yeah the prices have been pretty sporadic for the limited edition.

Its odd how xbox 360 LEs prices used to be higher, but now it seems the ps3 LEs are selling for higher.

And there is no need to apologize you didn't know. :beer:

Omnious, i think this item could sell quite well, especially if you list it on ebay with shipping to europe. The press kits (heavy rain and kz) are i think just a tad overpriced considering ebay prices (this is not badly meant, but if you want to sell fast, i think you should offer free shipping or something). Also considers listing on ebay cost 10 percent fees + 5 percent paypal fees (so if you sell here, you will save quite alot, so you can offer better prices).

good luck with sale buddy

Yeah sometimes I forget to lower the prices on collectorsedition whenever I lower my prices on ebay, so sometimes my ebay price is lower than collectorsedition prices when it is not intended to be.

I already sold my unopened heavy rain press kit for a little bit higher than I'm selling my opened one, so I think my price is alright.

As for killzone 2 press kit, you're right, I'm going to lower the price lol.

Thanks for reminding me :)

05-21-2012, 07:13 AM
It's pretty odd, cuz I've watched this edition for a few months. There was a point where it was consistently going for around $35-45 (with the game) in mint shape, $50-60 sealed. Recently everything you see listed is generally $30 more than those prices, but if you look in "completed listings" you'll usually find ones sold within the last week for the first prices I mentioned ($35-45 and $50-60).

What's happening is that this edition is getting more sought after, therefore when one is put up for the fair price (what it is worth), it gets bought up very quickly. The listings you see when you look at eBay are generally the ones that AREN'T selling.

This one may continue to rise in value though. The want for it may actually boost the going price up $20 or so in the very near future.

The Ominous
05-21-2012, 11:39 PM
It's pretty odd, cuz I've watched this edition for a few months. There was a point where it was consistently going for around $35-45 (with the game) in mint shape, $50-60 sealed. Recently everything you see listed is generally $30 more than those prices, but if you look in "completed listings" you'll usually find ones sold within the last week for the first prices I mentioned ($35-45 and $50-60).

What's happening is that this edition is getting more sought after, therefore when one is put up for the fair price (what it is worth), it gets bought up very quickly. The listings you see when you look at eBay are generally the ones that AREN'T selling.

This one may continue to rise in value though. The want for it may actually boost the going price up $20 or so in the very near future.

Yeah I was looking at the completed listings and the most of the prices ended at around what you said ($35-45 used), but I also saw some of them selling for $60-$70 in like new condition as well.

I guess the price dropped a lot because there was a point when 2 fradulent sellers were selling them for ultra cheap.

I don't really know for sure if it will raise back in price now though.

The Ominous
06-16-2012, 02:43 AM
Added "Legend of Zelda Japanese Famitsu Box"

06-16-2012, 07:45 AM
Could you hold onto the Zelda Famitsu box for me till later on today till I speak to my bf? xx

The Ominous
06-16-2012, 06:15 PM
Sure vhal, no problem.

06-16-2012, 06:20 PM
Hey, have spoken to him now and he said he'd love to but he's all out of money for now :( Sorry! xx

The Ominous
06-16-2012, 06:21 PM
Lol aren't we all, thanks for your interest anyway :)

The Ominous
06-18-2012, 11:50 PM

The Ominous
06-22-2012, 06:19 AM
lowered prices