View Full Version : I need a GameCube memory card!!

05-22-2012, 05:17 AM
Pretty simple; I'm looking for a GameCube memory card.

I really don't mind the data size or if it's third party or not (as long as it's not a no-name China/Hong Kong model), I just need one that works! I just got a GameCube and three of the Resident Evil games on it and I have no memory card. :( It's torture!

SOS! :surrender:

05-22-2012, 08:03 AM
I was sure Gamecubes had a SD card slot you could use,either that
or my memories up the creek without a paddle.
Anyway,why not get one of these & enjoy the full Resident Evil experience:)

05-22-2012, 08:35 AM
Err, I think that's the Wii, lol.

And I'd rather play it myself, not have it beaten for me. :lol:

05-22-2012, 05:03 PM
im guessing you have an NTSC gamecube? i have pal version memory card would they work

05-22-2012, 11:41 PM
Looks like only some games will save to a foreign memory card; kind of a hit or miss thing.

Probably wouldn't be cost effective for me after shipping anyways. I'm just looking for a cheap one so I can play some games I got. :(

Anyone else?

05-24-2012, 01:32 AM
Yes any exceccorys are region free. It don't matter weather its japanese chinese korean uk us canada russian ectt.. you get the idea. It will work if it does not then its over all the memory card is bad or the game.

05-24-2012, 02:02 AM
Actually I did some research on it and there are reports of certain games having issues saving on foreign cards. It's not the disc, it just doesn't work right in every case with all games.

C'mon, no fellow yanks to help me out? Pretty please?

05-24-2012, 05:59 PM
That would make 0 sense as there no real hardware difference in memory cards. The only time I could even see something like that valid happening is only with Chinese made games. Just like how nintendo ds is region free Chinese games are not as they have to put a special chip in the Chinese ds just to display the large Character set. If it was a case like that then it might effect something like Chinese games not saving on non Chinese memory cards but stuff using the Roman letters should be unaffected. Unless there has to be some physical difference in hardward for a specific reason like what i mentioned there should be no problem. I own like half the gamecube library and there is no problem saving any games on Japanese us or even Eu memory cards i own. The same goes for ps1 ps2 psp. Never had that problem on my dreamcast ether so that just rather odd.

05-25-2012, 01:46 AM
Well that's just what I've heard, so I'd rather play it safe either way.

It wouldn't be cost effective for me to get one from overseas anyways.

05-25-2012, 01:53 AM
Ya that is true lol it would be but i, just saying i dout you have much to worry about. If it was unable to work i do not even think the system would be able to read the memory card from a nother county anyway.

05-25-2012, 02:27 AM
Surely you can get one from ebay. I also want to play the Resident Evil games, pretty sure I got all of them on my GameCube but never played them apart from RE1 lol.

05-25-2012, 02:30 AM
On eBay the authentic ones don't come up all that often at fair prices used and the market is flooded with chintzy Chinese knockoffs.

I'd much rather settle on a fair price with a member here and not have to deal with fighting over a 1019 block auction on eBay. Doesn't look like I'm having much luck on that though.

05-25-2012, 02:31 AM
Not sure about the US but I just did a search for GameCube Memory Official and spotted several in the UK, hopefully you can find some too. :)