View Full Version : New steelbook packaging
05-24-2012, 12:37 PM have a lot of bad rep for their packaging (and rightly so)
However i do believe in giving credit when its due as their new steelbook packaging is a much needed improvement. There are still one or two small things that could be improved on but here are pics that should restore some confidence to allow us to order from them again
A box and not a jiffy!
The steelbook is between two lines of foam padding and secure - no movement - the picture only shows one layer at the bottom, when you open it there is another on top
05-24-2012, 01:14 PM
Wow, when did this happen.
Thanks for the info Nipper, Hopefully they transfer to same approach to larger aswell.
05-24-2012, 01:24 PM
Wow, when did this happen.
Thanks for the info Nipper, Hopefully they transfer to same approach to larger aswell.
Im not quite sure but this is the first i've of seen of it and i regularly order steelbooks from them - the last one i got (ghost protocol) was shipped in a jiffy and that was 2-3 weeks ago so im guessing very recently
05-24-2012, 01:59 PM
This is nice to see. :D Might start buying more items from them again now. I have a few movie steelbooks on my pre-order list with them, so we will see how it goes! :D
After the crappy service I got off them last year, it is nice to see that they are making some much needed changes with their service.
Tbh, I was surprised with my portal gun this morning. Both the ones I received were wrapped in bubblewrap then put inside a box. When I got my GoW Retro lancer last year, they just threw a grey bag over it and left it to lady luck to look after my parcel in transit. >.< Same with my F4F Zelda statues I ordered off them some years ago.
Thank you for listening to your customers :D As Gee said, now it's time to start working on packaging for bigger CE's.
05-24-2012, 08:50 PM
I think this is in part due to most of my moaning on Twitter O:)
Nice to see they've finally made improvements to their SteelBook shipping methods, and couldn't have come at a more convenient time either just prior to the release of two massive waves of Universal and FOX / MGM releases!
It's only taken them eight years...
05-24-2012, 10:10 PM
I think this is in part due to most of my moaning on Twitter O:)
Nice to see they've finally made improvements to their SteelBook shipping methods, and couldn't have come at a more convenient time either just prior to the release of two massive waves of Universal and FOX / MGM releases!
It's only taken them eight years...
Better late than never i suppose
Now while i applaud for their improved packaging, i must equally condemn shopto who seem to have gotten worse
i received this from them - packed exactly as you see it with absolutely no paper or air packs whatsoever
Common sense is definitely not prevailing
05-24-2012, 10:51 PM have swapped packing staff with shopto...? o.0
05-24-2012, 11:16 PM
Oh man, that sucks. :(
I hope the contents are intact. Are you looking to open or keep it sealed?
05-24-2012, 11:19 PM have swapped packing staff with shopto...? o.0
Haha probably, or perhaps they send their staff on the same training courses?
Oh man, that sucks. :(
I hope the contents are intact. Are you looking to open or keep it sealed?
Unbelievably the box is intact and will keep it sealed. I am becoming more and more fussy by the day and now i tend to be a sealed collector only - i rarely open CE's anymore
05-24-2012, 11:40 PM
The photo did suggest it arrived in great shape, glad it came in fine.
05-25-2012, 11:04 AM
The Kick-Ass Steelbook looks...kickass! :D
Is that 'exclusive' to
05-25-2012, 11:22 AM
The Kick-Ass Steelbook looks...kickass! :D
Is that 'exclusive' to
yeh and only £9.99!!
05-25-2012, 11:49 AM
so cheap, I'm hoping it comes here too. Thanks for the info.
05-25-2012, 12:58 PM
The Kick-Ass Steelbook looks...kickass! :D
Is that 'exclusive' to
Yes, all of these horizontal Universal 100th Anniversary wave Blu-Ray SteelBooks are exclusives, and they're all dirt cheap as well, thankfully!
@ nipperkipper - Can't understand how you managed to receive yours so early though, as they're not out until Monday. I usually receive mine maybe on a Friday or Saturday before release, but looks like you've gotten yours extremely early! I'm still waiting! :scratch:
I currently have 7 exclusive SteelBooks arriving this week, and a further 8 next week for the FOX / MGM wave (which are also exclusve to
05-25-2012, 01:08 PM
ummm, i don't have this Steelbook, heck, I'm not even from the UK [seems like it's exclusive to UK]. I was merely commenting on how nice the steelbook art work looks <3
brilliant idea, you send 9.99 steelbooks in awesome packaging but leave 39.99 games etc in shitty flimsy cardboard paper
i applaud you, nobs
05-25-2012, 01:34 PM
Yes, all of these horizontal Universal 100th Anniversary wave Blu-Ray SteelBooks are exclusives, and they're all dirt cheap as well, thankfully!
@ nipperkipper - Can't understand how you managed to receive yours so early though, as they're not out until Monday. I usually receive mine maybe on a Friday or Saturday before release, but looks like you've gotten yours extremely early! I'm still waiting! :scratch:
I currently have 7 exclusive SteelBooks arriving this week, and a further 8 next week for the FOX / MGM wave (which are also exclusve to
i cant understand it either, i received all 7 from the initial wave yesterday (24th) e.g hulk, incredible hulk, hellboy, casino, american werewolf, kick ass and cant remember the other right now
i am surprised but not complaining :)
05-25-2012, 02:07 PM
as a Portuguese buyer of the only complains that i have with cds...i bought a total of 4 cds and in all of them..the cases where cracked, so i stopped buyng cds from them.
05-25-2012, 02:30 PM
i cant understand it either, i received all 7 from the initial wave yesterday (24th) e.g hulk, incredible hulk, hellboy, casino, american werewolf, kick ass and cant remember the other right now
There's only six in the first wave of Universal 100th Anniversary releases. The seventh exclusive would have probably been Chronicle :)
05-25-2012, 05:44 PM
For anyone who's into collecting SteelBooks, have just uploaded an exclusive wave of Paramount Centenary Editions: sive
These have all been confirmed as SteelBooks:
G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
Iron Man
Saving Private Ryan
05-25-2012, 06:55 PM
ohh watchmen steelbook - yes. please. god.
05-25-2012, 07:24 PM
Iron Man steelbook please? :D
05-25-2012, 07:26 PM
well yeah was my second choice :)
05-25-2012, 09:24 PM
There's only six in the first wave of Universal 100th Anniversary releases. The seventh exclusive would have probably been Chronicle :)
Your right, thats the other one i got, dont knot why i got confused
For anyone who's into collecting SteelBooks, have just uploaded an exclusive wave of Paramount Centenary Editions: sive
These have all been confirmed as SteelBooks:
G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
Iron Man
Saving Private Ryan
Thanks for the links, btw check this out - one of the KIck ass steelbooks i got was factory shrinkwrapped back to front - looks amazing - never seen something like this before for a steelbook
05-25-2012, 09:57 PM
For anyone who's into collecting SteelBooks, have just uploaded an exclusive wave of Paramount Centenary Editions: sive
These have all been confirmed as SteelBooks:
G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
Iron Man
Saving Private Ryan
I would like to have Watchmen steelbook. Might also get Iron Man.
05-25-2012, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the links, btw check this out - one of the KIck ass steelbooks i got was factory shrinkwrapped back to front - looks amazing - never seen something like this before for a steelbook
That's a cool looking steelbook. :D Any inside artwork? o.0 Might consider picking one of these up! :D
05-26-2012, 08:27 AM
Yea, it seems that Universal have pulled out all the stops to release some great looking SteelBooks. I'm still amazed at how cheap they all were, although I suppose they're all single disc releases, and all old archive films (some of which have previously been released as a SteelBook)
That Kick Ass one is much nicer than the prior SteelBook release. I'm hoping that Scott Pilgrim Vs The World will be equally as nice compared to the one that's already currently available
It's also nice to see horizontal SteelBooks in the UK. So far, we've only had two - Fast 5 and Metropolis. They're common in other European countries, but for some reason the studios have shied away from releasing them horizontally here in the UK, although it does make these waves of special releases stand out more
I can't believe how many SteelBooks are coming out in the next few months! Universal 100th Anniversary Editions, Paramount Centenary Editions, and FOX / MGM are even getting in on the act! Plus all of the regular releases! I currently have over 45 UK SteelBooks on pre-order!
05-28-2012, 09:31 PM
Do these new steelbook postage boxes fit through the letterbox? Got a couple of steels coming this week and don't wanna have to take a trip to the sorting office! >.<
05-28-2012, 09:37 PM
Yeah they fit :) Chronicle and Kick Ass both fit through my door fine :D xx
05-28-2012, 09:39 PM
Awesome! ^o^ I expect my Taken and Fight Club steels to be here soon then! :D
05-29-2012, 08:02 AM
Yes, they're quite slim. The added layers of foam inside are perfect! I wonder how long it'll be before Amazon, Zavvi, and HMV follow suit? Although if I'm honest, I have never had a problem with HMV's boxes, and have received over 200 SteelBooks in perfect condition over the last few years. It reallyw as that had to improve, and looks like they have finally given us what we wanted!
I hear that has new packaging for SteelBooks, and I believe so does the US, but they have yet to roll it out here in the UK. Maybe now that have upped the ante, they'll make an active effort to match them?
05-30-2012, 03:12 PM
Round 2 (partial - not all have arrived)
I love the wolverine artwork especially the reverse and Taken is really nice
Not to fond where the cardboard strip is for predator though
05-30-2012, 03:14 PM
looking very nice - good to see Man on Fire getting some steelbook love - taken looks nice.. just don't think i've got the inclination to buy any of wave 2 personally
05-30-2012, 04:03 PM
Round 2 (partial - not all have arrived)
I love the wolverine artwork especially the reverse and Taken is really nice
Not to fond where the cardboard strip is for predator though
You must be stealing these from the production line to get them this early! :nono:
I'm still waiting for the last batch which were released Monday... :facepalm:
If I receive my SteelBooks on a Friday before release, I consider myself extremely lucky, although most arrive on a Saturday morning. I have never ever received anything on a Wednesday before release!
That's two weeks in a row you've done it. Where's mine?
05-30-2012, 04:04 PM
True - i also normally get them on either the Friday/Saturday - Wednesday is luck personified :)
05-30-2012, 04:07 PM
BTW guys, this is wave 1 of the FOX / MGM releases, and shouldn't be cconfused with last week's Universal 100th Anniversary wave, or the forthcoming Paramount Centenary wave.
Universal have another wave due out on the 6th of August, and then a third wave due out on the 3rd of September, whereas FOX / MGM haven't announced a second wave yet
05-30-2012, 04:10 PM
You must be stealing these from the production line to get them this early! :nono:
I'm still waiting for the last batch which were released Monday... :facepalm:
If I receive my SteelBooks on a Friday before release, I consider myself extremely lucky, although most arrive on a Saturday morning. I have never ever received anything on a Wednesday before release!
That's two weeks in a row you've done it. Where's mine?
Haha i dont know, i guess im special :)
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