View Full Version : Ballistic: The Art of Gears of War 3 Folio
05-31-2012, 05:42 PM
Fantastic news my collector friends! :popcorn:
The Art of Gears of War 3 will be coming soon from the World famous Ballistic Publishing Company ( The same company that created The Art of Uncharted 2 (of which the folio edition has since become a holy grail for Uncharted collectors), The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants, and The Art of God of War 3. All these art books came with 3 (sometimes 4) different editions: A softcover, Hardcover, Limited Hardcover and Folio Edition.
I got an alert in my email because I am a previous paying customer at Ballistic's online shop. From what I read, the Gears of War 3 Folio will be available in approximately 4 weeks. If you are a Gears fan you better make sure you keep your eyes open and wallet loose. I wanted to make sure you guys at got a chance at this before the ebay scalpers (those who buy massive quantities and resell at a very high premium).
It may be possible for anyone to subscribe to the exclusive email alert system for Gears of War 3 Folio. I don't know if it's only for previous paying customers or not. But, here is the link to the main sale page and the Folio email alert subscription.
Main Gears of War 3 page (will be 3 different book versions)
Email alert subscription page for Gears of War 3 Folio availability
05-31-2012, 05:48 PM
Do you know if they charge up front for this Flash? As I desperately want it! xx
05-31-2012, 05:57 PM
Do you know if they charge up front for this Flash? As I desperately want it! xxI can not say Vhal.
I have only done business with them regarding The Art of Oddworld and it had already been released years before so I'm not sure how Ballistic works for preorders.
Give them a phone call (but beware of international calling rates - they are very high). Make sure you have an "international"
calling feature added to whatever phone you are using (if it's a cell phone or home phone) before calling. I made the mistake of
ringing up an enormous phone bill when I called Ballistic. (From UK to AU) Dial: 00 61 8 8463 1866
The guy you want to ask for is Garth Hammet. He's one of the nicest, most friendly and helpful guys you will ever talk to!
I believe he is the Marketing or Sales manager at Ballistic's main facility in Adelade. If want to try emailing him, that works too
(but he doesn't always reply by email. I'll send you his email via PM.
05-31-2012, 06:15 PM
i think i'll be getting the middle one, the limited edition bound in leather just don't think i could afford or even justify this version...
05-31-2012, 06:22 PM
i think i'll be getting the middle one, the limited edition bound in leather just don't think i could afford or even justify this version...I don't think most people can justify buying a Folio version of any book. :P
To be honest though (from the research I've done), Ballistic's Folio editions @ $300 to $400 each are quite affordable in the world of Folios! Some Folio books can go upward of $500 to $1500 (or more) - depending on initial production quantity and just how detailed they get regarding the printing and production process. Sometimes a publisher will just go insane with every fine little detail.
05-31-2012, 06:25 PM
Oh i don't doubt it would be amazing - i guess i'm just being causious.. i'd go for it within a moment if the time was right and i thought it was worth it but the problem with the Folio edition is that it is so precious and special you don't want to touch it and read it - the main purpose i'd be getting it - i think there comes a point something is so special you don't want to touch it but that seems stupid to me as i'd be buying it to pour over the art - not look at on my shelf because i don't want to crease it as i just paid $300 for it! ha
05-31-2012, 06:33 PM
Oh i don't doubt it would be amazing - i guess i'm just being causious.. i'd go for it within a moment if the time was right and i thought it was worth it but the problem with the Folio edition is that it is so precious and special you don't want to touch it and read it - the main purpose i'd be getting it - i think there comes a point something is so special you don't want to touch it but that seems stupid to me as i'd be buying it to pour over the art - not look at on my shelf because i don't want to crease it as i just paid $300 for it! haI understand exactly what you're saying.
That is why many collectors will be the most premium version to collect (keeping it sealed) and a second, basic version to read and enjoy! I figure, if you are willing to spend $300+ on a Folio book, you can probably afford the $60-80 basic edition as well.
05-31-2012, 06:37 PM
Hmm maybe so but then, and this is my opinion so shoot me down if i'm out of turn but...
To me that seems absurd, i would literally be paying $300 for something to sit on my shelf, never to be touched - which would be fine it if was a figure etc but to pay $300 for a book and then never touch it or read - what did i (hypothetically) pay all that money, just so i could say i own it - having to buy the cheap, lets admit slightly crappy version when you have the most luxurious version on your shelf seems wrong to me...
Like you got the cheap one and have to put up with it because you couldn't afford the other one, when, in fact you could afford it, you actually bought it but can't touch it like a little kid can't touch his dad's record collection...
I guess what i'm saying is i collect to enjoy, i don't collect for the sake of collecting - i'd never pay $300 for something, book or not just so i could say i own it - if i spent that much money on a book i'd want to make sure i got my moneys worth, i'd take it in the bathroom if i had to! ha
05-31-2012, 07:05 PM
Hmm maybe so but then, and this is my opinion so shoot me down if i'm out of turn but...
To me that seems absurd, i would literally be paying $300 for something to sit on my shelf, never to be touched - which would be fine it if was a figure etc but to pay $300 for a book and then never touch it or read - what did i (hypothetically) pay all that money, just so i could say i own it - having to buy the cheap, lets admit slightly crappy version when you have the most luxurious version on your shelf seems wrong to me...
Like you got the cheap one and have to put up with it because you couldn't afford the other one, when, in fact you could afford it, you actually bought it but can't touch it like a little kid can't touch his dad's record collection...
I guess what i'm saying is i collect to enjoy, i don't collect for the sake of collecting - i'd never pay $300 for something, book or not just so i could say i own it - if i spent that much money on a book i'd want to make sure i got my moneys worth, i'd take it in the bathroom if i had to! haMy friend, it all depends on what kind of collector you are. You have "sealed" collectors who take incredible pride in keeping things sealed, then you have "display" collectors who like to buy, open, play with and display their collectibles. It makes perfect sense to a sealed collector, to buy a premium version and standard, and use the standard while keeping the premium sealed and valuable.
In the case of this book, the artwork will be EXACTLY the same in both standard and folio edition, so it's not like you are missing content. The difference is in the quality of the printing, paper used, binding, and the cover artwork and features. Might also have a signature in it.
05-31-2012, 07:07 PM
i know - i hope you don't think i was trying to fan the flames as it were - i'm not against anyone collecting anything - that is the whole purpose of this site!
05-31-2012, 07:10 PM
i know - i hope you don't think i was trying to fan the flames as it were - i'm not against anyone collecting anything - that is the whole purpose of this site!You are good in my book! I thought nothing of the sort. You are entitled to feel how you do about collecting a premium and standard copy. In fact, most people will feel the same way you do - it's only us oddball "sealed" collectors that think it's fine to never open something so amazing.
05-31-2012, 07:20 PM
Many thanks for the heads up otherwise i would have missed this
I am a massive gears fan so will be at the ready:workout:
05-31-2012, 07:25 PM
I'm down for the Folio version!
05-31-2012, 07:26 PM
too expensive for me, even the softcover at $65, nice ro own but have always found these overpriced from the get go
05-31-2012, 07:33 PM
these sorts of books are always expensive - especially editions like the Folio etc - i could just about justify the leather edition but think that will be it - will see prices on the Folio but going to be at least $300
05-31-2012, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the heads up, too bad it's way out of my league.
05-31-2012, 07:57 PM
US buyers can get the softcover at a deep discount at Amazon:
05-31-2012, 08:15 PM
Was wondering if ballistic would get mentioned here, currently i have 4? of their books, all of them slip cased but none of them are the game art ones though
05-31-2012, 10:25 PM
US buyers can get the softcover at a deep discount at Amazon: for mentioning this. I should have put it in the details. and other retailers around the world will be getting copies of the softcover (or hardcover) standard version.
05-31-2012, 11:58 PM
I believe the GOW 3 Artbook is their best Art of Game folio yet and worth the money. You can visit the facebook page of Ballistic Publising where they have shown the unboxing of the Special edition.
Its their biggest folio till date and pure awesome. As foreverflash mentioned, Garth Hammet is a is indeed a great guy and very helpful. He is actually the CFO / COO of Ballistic Publishing. Another good person to speak there would be Carissa Wang. She usually handles the sales enquiries.
Phone: 0061-884631866
Ballistic are not yet accepting pre-orders for Folio but I spoke with Garth yesterday and got 1 reserved for myself. If you want to reserve a specific number, contact them at the earliest. My name is Tate and you can give them my reference which would hopefully help.
But I was told that the people who previously purchased folios would be given priority for number of their choice and they will have an option to select the same number as their previous folios. So it would be prudent if you hurry up and request for the number of your choice. Whilst the number might not be an issue to some , many (me included) like preferred numbers.
Hope this helps and good luck wth your purchase :)
06-01-2012, 12:39 AM
Ballistic are not yet accepting pre-orders for Folio but I spoke with Garth yesterday and got 1 reserved for myself. If you want to reserve a specific number, contact them at the earliest. My name is Tate and you can give them my reference which would hopefully help.
Well that sucks and it's unfair to take pre orders before they open it to the public.... They do this with every limited edition?
Be the first to know about the release of the exclusive The Art of Gears of War 3 (TM) Limited Folio Edition. Subscribe to our newsletter, by entering your email address below...
06-01-2012, 12:49 AM
Im waiting for their god of war 3 folio to drop in price, that one didnt sell well at well. Do you have any knowledge of this by chance (discounting in general), its just seems to me its taking up shelf place and i dont imagine many will be sold now.
06-01-2012, 12:53 AM
Well that sucks and it's unfair to take pre orders before they open it to the public.... They do this with every limited edition?
That happens with all the companies in case you are not aware of it my friend. If you know people, you can get things done. Its just way of life. Also I mentioned that that I got 1 reserved, not pre-ordered. So I havent paid anything but owing my good relations with the company, but its just a good gesture on his part.
If I am suggesting to give my reference to members here for reservations, I am also taking a favour from him for them. It doesnt have to be an issue since in this context you are not exactly general public.
I have got far more rare and precious items that this and some were infact never released to public. But thats how the world works :-/
06-01-2012, 12:59 AM
Im waiting for their god of war 3 folio to drop in price, that one didnt sell well at well. Do you have any knowledge of this by chance (discounting in general), its just seems to me its taking up shelf place and i dont imagine many will be sold now.
I really dont think the folios will ever be discounted. They wont even discount the leather bind special editions (and If I do suggest here that I get discounts on such editions from them owing to friendship, some will start complaining thats such preference is unfair to 'public' so I will better leave it there) :ghey:
06-01-2012, 01:03 AM
Yeah I know, it happens all the time, but knowing you'll never get number 1/xxx, etc, sucks a little.
I really dont think the folios will ever be discounted. They wont even discount the leather bind special editions (and If I do suggest here that I get discounts on such editions from them owing to friendship, some will start complaining thats such preference is unfair to 'public' so I will better leave it there) :ghey:
Yeah, fucking complainers. :D
06-01-2012, 01:29 AM
lol, Garth Hammet is on my google friend list, he's a cool guy :) he told me about the Gears 3 Folio a while back, what number did you grab Que? too bad im not a 360 collector or else i'd buy this, i'll wait for the next one which will be Gran Turismo.
06-01-2012, 01:40 AM
lol, Garth Hammet is on my google friend list, he's a cool guy :) he told me about the Gears 3 Folio a while back
So you get the folios and special editions at discounted price eh? thats unfair!! :spiteful:
...what number did you grab Que?
Check PM :D
... too bad im not a 360 collector or else i'd buy this, i'll wait for the next one which will be Gran Turismo.
I don't collect 360 games either, very very little if at all. But this GOW3 artbook folio qualifies for purchase just on its quality itself :)
Is the deal Gran Turismo Artbook finalised yet? Last I heard Sony had some issues. Not sure there :think:
06-01-2012, 01:42 AM
No Gran Turismo isn't available yet, people believed it got canned like InFamous but its very much in development.
06-01-2012, 01:44 AM
No Gran Turismo isn't available yet, people believed it got canned like InFamous but its very much in development.
The very reason UC3 Artbook never happened was cause of Sony, ND were fine with it in my knowledge
06-01-2012, 01:46 AM
Doesn't surprise me, but GT will release quite sure on that.
06-01-2012, 01:52 AM
Doesn't surprise me, but GT will release quite sure on that.
Ah nice, you know now what number I will get for that folio ;)
06-01-2012, 01:58 AM
Lol yeah got your PM :P
06-01-2012, 02:01 AM
Hey questate, do you think I have enough time to be his friend before the GT5 folio arrives? Don't take number 5, I want it :(
06-01-2012, 02:03 AM
Lol, 5 is mine sorry
06-01-2012, 02:07 AM
Do you know if they charge up front for this Flash? As I desperately want it! xx
Unfortunately they require payment upon preordering, that's just how it is to secure these limited and numbered items.
At least they ship worldwide, though shipping cost must be expensive for international customers, it's less than $10 for us here and that's express post! :beach:
Was wondering if ballistic would get mentioned here, currently i have 4? of their books, all of them slip cased but none of them are the game art ones though
It's pretty awesome how Ballistic is huge all around that world and yet they manufacture these in rAdelaide!! :lol: Should've seen the outcry for the sold out Uncharted 2 Art Book!
Im waiting for their god of war 3 folio to drop in price, that one didnt sell well at well. Do you have any knowledge of this by chance (discounting in general), its just seems to me its taking up shelf place and i dont imagine many will be sold now.
In April they had a birthday sale, I missed out and didn't really take notice of it but I'm sure the soft covers, at least, did get a small discount?!?
No Gran Turismo isn't available yet, people believed it got canned like InFamous but its very much in development.
At this rate, the GT book will get released as long as the time GT5 got finally released! :rotf:
I'll need a heads up for that.
06-01-2012, 02:07 AM
Hey questate, do you think I have enough time to be his friend before the GT5 folio arrives?
Well, I dont think time has got anything to do to become his friend :nea:
Don't take number 5, I want it :(
Nope, that number is not on my preference :D
Lol, 5 is mine sorry
06-01-2012, 02:10 AM
In April they had a birthday sale, I missed out and didn't really take notice of it but I'm sure the soft covers, at least, did get a small discount?!?
Yes I think the standard edition copies got around 15% discount. But as usual folio and SE had no discount :(
06-01-2012, 02:11 AM
There will be 300 units of this Folio, not as limited in number as Uncharted 2, but will probably sell out quicker than God of War 3, lol
Shotgun on #6 <3
06-01-2012, 02:14 AM
There will be 300 units of this Folio, not as limited in number as Uncharted 2, but will probably sell out quicker than God of War 3, lol
Shotgun on #6 <3
Should be sniper mate, shotgun will spray the shells all around. You need bulls eye! :snipe:
07-06-2012, 08:46 PM
Landing page updated with a select a number button. I assume this points to it being on sale soonish.
07-07-2012, 01:54 AM
I think i will just stick to the slipcover versions so they match the rest. I barely have $75 for the standard half the time lol
07-07-2012, 02:57 AM
I have only done business with them regarding The Art of Oddworld and it had already been released years before so I'm not sure how Ballistic works for preorders.
Out of curiousity,did you get the Oddworld folio edition,how much did you pay
for it if you dont mind me asking & how many years ago did you get it??
Would be possibly up for the folio edition,but its not letting me through
to check the number for some reason:(
08-24-2012, 02:35 AM
These are now available to order :)
The reserved ones are for previous Folio Customers i believe, they reserved me an 81
08-24-2012, 02:40 AM
$72 for shipping, that is a bit outrageous...
08-24-2012, 02:52 AM
They ship via Courier, Express service, such as FEDEX
I guess they want to fly these around the world in style, with the safest most efficient service.
If your going to drop $300 on a book what's another $70 right? I don't think i'd want mine getting roughed up on the back of some donkey making its way to me from Adelaide, you?
08-24-2012, 03:05 AM
Thanks for the heads up, i think i might order both GOW and get 10% off
08-24-2012, 03:08 AM
What you mean by both? there will be 3 versions, if your a Gears Of War fan/Collector this is kinda a no brainer purchase in my eyes.
08-24-2012, 03:13 AM
Out of curiousity,did you get the Oddworld folio edition,how much did you pay
for it if you dont mind me asking & how many years ago did you get it??
Would be possibly up for the folio edition,but its not letting me through
to check the number for some reason:(
There are 9 copies left
Available numbers as of 24/08/12
(56 & 71 have been "Ordered" but could still fall through)
scroll to bottom of page
08-24-2012, 03:19 AM
What you mean by both? there will be 3 versions, if your a Gears Of War fan/Collector this is kinda a no brainer purchase in my eyes.
Both God of war and Gears of War folio, sorry my bad using GOW for both
08-24-2012, 03:26 AM
Yeah, the Gears Of War one looks to be of the same design as the God Of War Folio, with an embedded lancer on the cover, i'm telling you people might quaff at $300 but until you have handled one you wont really know...they are worth the money.
09-05-2012, 11:30 AM
Yeah, the Gears Of War one looks to be of the same design as the God Of War Folio, with an embedded lancer on the cover, i'm telling you people might quaff at $300 but until you have handled one you wont really know...they are worth the money.
$396 after shipping costs. Is is still worth the money? Just wondering if it's still worth it since the softcover version can be bought for $40ish at amazon.
09-25-2012, 06:32 PM
Hey guys,
I made my first ever unboxing video yesterday. Let me know what you all think of my first unboxing outing.
The book is awesome by the way. I do wish they would've printed unique artwork on the inside cover like they did for the Uncharted 2 Folio. The inside cover on the Gears 3 Folio is blank.
Other than that, I have no real complaints. I do hope that these artbook publishers start incorporating Augmented Reality in to their books though; just like the Journey artbook.
Great job!
I'm tempted to buy it now... well i guess it shows that your vid is good ;)
09-26-2012, 06:06 PM
Got mine today as well - Number 3!!
will leave it sealed and the standard one from amazon
09-26-2012, 06:14 PM
So you beat me out of book #3, eh. I have #4. My cousin has #5. I wanted #1, but that one was already gone before the books even went up for sale.
09-26-2012, 06:30 PM
So you beat me out of book #3, eh. I have #4. My cousin has #5. I wanted #1, but that one was already gone before the books even went up for sale.
Getting number one is impossible, its reserved for a previous buyer of a #1 folio edition i think, the only way i got number 3 was after 8 days the reservation period lapsed and number three became available as were numbers 4-23 all initially reserved
09-27-2012, 12:18 AM
Nice, as expected it looks amazing :drool:
09-27-2012, 12:35 AM
I recognize that the folio editions are expensive, but considering the quality, content (Uncharted 2, God of War III, and Gears of War 3 are huge releases and very popular), limited availability, and success of the Uncharted 2 folio; I am very surprised that the God of War III and Gears of War 3 folios are still available...even considering that they made 100 more of each as compared with the Uncharted 2 folio.
09-27-2012, 12:42 AM
The Gears folio just went up for sale. Even the Uncharted Folio didn't sell out that fast.
Either way, I still don't expect the Gears Folio to sell out any time soon. I predict that it will sell at the same rate as the God of War III folio. I wish they would've stuck to only printing 200 copies.
Hopefully the next folio will be limited to only 200 copies; and yes, they are most certainly making another folio!
09-27-2012, 01:31 AM
Hmmmm....sounds like you might have some hunch about what's coming next. Care to share?
09-27-2012, 02:29 AM
I don't think I'm supposed to say anything. I don't want to get anyone in trouble. I'll give you a hint though: Playstation-brand exclusive.
09-27-2012, 02:53 AM
GT5 from what I read here.
09-30-2012, 03:02 PM
I'm gonna guess U3 maybe?
09-30-2012, 03:38 PM
GT5 said it a long time ago, its no secret lol
09-30-2012, 07:17 PM
Ah, I didn't realize that the cat was already out of the bag. :D I thought I had super secret insider info :lmao:
09-30-2012, 08:37 PM
Yeah, its been in the works forever but now Gears Of War 3 is out the way, i expect this one to be coming next.
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