View Full Version : Marvel vs Capcom Complete Works (HARDCOVER art book)

Ryu Kazama
06-22-2012, 11:50 AM
Want To BuyMarvel vs Capcom Complete Works (art book)
Title: Marvel vs Capcom Complete Works
Platform: Hardcover book
region: US
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc) New


I'm interesting in getting the Hard Cover version of the book. It's exclusive to Sandiego Comic-Con 2012. There's a chance it'll be signed (random assumption), if so, I'd prefer that version. Will pay book price ($100) plus the shipping, of course.

If I manage to find it online or Udon open up online orders then I'll just scrap this thread, but for now, whoever happens to be going SDCC...help a brutha out, yo!