View Full Version : Steelbooks - whats your policy?
06-23-2012, 10:44 PM
If you are in a game store per se, and you see a steelbook game (new or preowned, i don't care) do you just buy it, even if you dont like the game?
I personally play my games as i would never dream of selling my collection, so I would go for the game i actually would like, over the game i didn't have.
small confession - crackdown 2 i have bought 4 times. 1 steelbook, before collecting, traded in.
2 - buying for my cousin
3- buying for myself to find all those damn orbs
4- rebought the steelbook ( 2 years after game release) and turns out i got my original steelbook copy. seriously, what are the chances? (i put some marker on the inside of the case - thats how i knew it was mine)
06-24-2012, 12:48 AM
Lately I have been going into GAME, GameStation and CEX looking for steelbooks - I must have caught the bug. :/
In GAME, I didn't find any for PS3 but found 3 which were for Xbox360. Crackdown 2 was in pretty good condition, Turok 2 was battered and Dead Rising was in decent shape. They were £12.99 each from what I remember.
I did ask GAME and they are unable to tell me how many steelbooks they have in stock as their database doesn't hold this information. :/
I went into CEX and found a couple but they weren't official steelbooks, one I found was King Kong on PS2 or something like that, it was £1.00 and was in decent shape. The standard game was £1.50 which was weird. Can't remember what the other one was but it was badly crushed i.e. someone stepped on it.
I really need to be strict with purchasing these as it could get out of hand, I should only buy those for games I will play or like.
I have bought several CEs just because it has the steelbook e.g. Mass Effect 3 CE, The Last Story CE, Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD CE, Batman Arkham City (with Joker Steelbook), London Olympics 2012 and maybe others too. Doubt I'll play half of these either, partly because I want to keep them sealed but also because I'm not sure I'd want to play some of them. :/
06-24-2012, 11:11 AM
I'll be the first to admit i'm a sucker for steelbooks, but I limit myself to games I like and will play, unless that is it has some really cool design on it, for example I bought the Zelda skyward sword futureshop exclusive one just before christmas because I loved the artwork even though I do not own the game.
06-24-2012, 11:45 AM
Lately I have been going into GAME, GameStation and CEX looking for steelbooks - I must have caught the bug. :/
In GAME, I didn't find any for PS3 but found 3 which were for Xbox360. Crackdown 2 was in pretty good condition, Turok 2 was battered and Dead Rising was in decent shape. They were £12.99 each from what I remember.
I did ask GAME and they are unable to tell me how many steelbooks they have in stock as their database doesn't hold this information. :/
I went into CEX and found a couple but they weren't official steelbooks, one I found was King Kong on PS2 or something like that, it was £1.00 and was in decent shape. The standard game was £1.50 which was weird. Can't remember what the other one was but it was badly crushed i.e. someone stepped on it.
I really need to be strict with purchasing these as it could get out of hand, I should only buy those for games I will play or like.
I have bought several CEs just because it has the steelbook e.g. Mass Effect 3 CE, The Last Story CE, Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD CE, Batman Arkham City (with Joker Steelbook), London Olympics 2012 and maybe others too. Doubt I'll play half of these either, partly because I want to keep them sealed but also because I'm not sure I'd want to play some of them. :/
are you in brentwood? the game there had a turok, crackdown2 and dead rising steelbook..
06-24-2012, 01:21 PM
Haha, yeah those steelbooks were in Brentwood.
I obviously didn't buy any of those but if they were like £5 then I'd be tempted, I just know I wouldn't play them and it'll reinforce the steelbook collecting habit which can get out of control.
06-24-2012, 01:23 PM
ScottCross, do you have the Final Fantasy XII steelbook? I got one from the US via eBay for about £15 complete so I was happy.
06-24-2012, 04:43 PM
Final Fantasy xii? Which one was that, I didnt know they did one for xii, any pics?
06-24-2012, 05:04 PM
On my way home from a holiday, will post pics in my thread later this evening. Massive train delays at the moment, hopefully get home before the England match.
06-24-2012, 07:17 PM
OK I've posted it in my thread which is in the intro section.
06-25-2012, 08:41 PM
I buy steelbooks for games I like. That's pretty much it! :P I might occasionally pick up other steelbooks if I see them cheap in stores while I'm out and about and aren't dented or missing half the paintwork! :D
This forum is the only reason I know about some of the steelbooks I have. lol Otherwise the only steelbooks I would have are the ones available at retail in the UK. :P
06-26-2012, 01:59 PM
I only really get steelbooks when they come in a Collector's edition or are steelbook editions. I.e include the game.
The only time I get steelbooks by themselves are if they came as a pre-order bonus. As I am a sealed game collector I limit myself to less than £25 for any unsealed steelbook, no matter how rare it is. So far I have stuck to that.
I don't tend to buy used Steelbook edition unless it is cheaper to buy that way than a standard game, have done that many times in the past (10+), I simply thrown away the steelbook.
06-26-2012, 07:18 PM
The other important question missing from this thread is the condition of it.
I guess this depends from collector to collector but if there are scratches or wear and tear to the corners, is it worth getting because it's cheaper or give it a miss and pay a lot more for a mint condition one?
06-26-2012, 07:25 PM
for me... its now SEALED only.. unless it was never available sealed....
06-27-2012, 02:29 PM
same here, unsealed steelbooks in shops get battered too much i never buy unsealed steelbooks in store now, staff dont give a toss
last time i bought one in cex and paid with a voucher - the guy then took my voucher, put it on top of the steelbook and then scribbled all over the voucher like they do and left marks all over it
never again
06-29-2012, 11:21 AM
I used to be fussy what I bought, only ever buying CE's if it was a game I was going to buy anyway. Lately though (as in the last few years) I've been buying CE's for games I would normally not have given a second look.
Now, it's gotten to a point where I'm buying almost every CE released - The only ones I pass on are usually day one DLC editions; those which are stupidly expensive; or the ones which I feel are a rip-off for what they are.
I'm also not a huge fan of WWE or beat 'em ups, so I've neglected many of these recently (Ie, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, Soul Calibur V etc) - Although I will say that this is not deliberate, but rather a lack of available funds has caused me to make sacrifices
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