View Full Version : Trade: Batman Steelbooks

06-24-2012, 12:54 AM
Hello, i am looking for the batman steelbooks Twoface and Catwoman, i am willing to swap the Joker and Penguin ones, i do not mind which for which or if you only have one :)

EDIT, sorry i want G1 ones only (360 size)

and just to be clear -

I have Joker and Penguin

I want Catwomen and Twoface


06-24-2012, 02:02 PM
r u looking for g1?
i have the catwoman in g1 in mint condition
not looking to trade but i can sell it to you
pm me your price ;)

06-24-2012, 02:48 PM
hi what would you want for the saints rows

06-24-2012, 03:04 PM
is the penguin steel sealed?

06-24-2012, 05:55 PM
r u looking for g1?
i have the catwoman in g1 in mint condition
not looking to trade but i can sell it to you
pm me your price ;)

hello, sorry not looking to buy just yet, if i was they are on ebay for around 15 pound.

hi what would you want for the saints rows

I want to buy the saints row or trade it for other tins, i do not have one

is the penguin steel sealed?

It is not sealed it is how ever brand new and mint condition the outer sleeve and steelbook are both perfect