06-26-2012, 07:34 AM
For Sale:
Title: The Art of Darksiders Hardcover
Price: $300 AUD (or bid)
Condition:Like New. A+ Condition
Detail conditions: Does not come with the paper dusk jacket.
Ebay Listing:http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221064293424?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1156 (if exists)
Hey guys,
I'm new to the forums, I'm just selling my darksiders artbook hardcover which just sits on my bookshelf barely ever read. You can buy it through my ebay listing. Feel free to ask any questions. Price is non negotiable. Does not come with the paper dusk jacket, but thats hardly a loss as the paper is weak and gets damaged easily.
Title: The Art of Darksiders Hardcover
Price: $300 AUD (or bid)
Condition:Like New. A+ Condition
Detail conditions: Does not come with the paper dusk jacket.
Ebay Listing:http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221064293424?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1156 (if exists)
Hey guys,
I'm new to the forums, I'm just selling my darksiders artbook hardcover which just sits on my bookshelf barely ever read. You can buy it through my ebay listing. Feel free to ask any questions. Price is non negotiable. Does not come with the paper dusk jacket, but thats hardly a loss as the paper is weak and gets damaged easily.