07-05-2012, 01:18 PM
Want To Buy: X-Blades Royal Edition
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Like New or Sealed
Price: Under $80 :beg:
Want To Buy: Dead Rising 2 High Stakes Edition
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Sealed
Price: Under $80 (Is currently $50 on US Capcom Store):banghead:
Want To Buy: Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Sealed
Price: Under $50
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Like New or Sealed
Price: Under $80 :beg:
Want To Buy: Dead Rising 2 High Stakes Edition
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Sealed
Price: Under $80 (Is currently $50 on US Capcom Store):banghead:
Want To Buy: Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition
Platform: PS3
Region: ANY
Condition: Sealed
Price: Under $50