View Full Version : Hello From Arizona US

08-05-2012, 10:45 PM
Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I've been on the fence for the last year about what type of video game collection I wanted to build. For the last couple years I was buying up any and all 360 PS3 games I could find in an effort to collect every game this generation. It recently dawned on me that I don't get very much enjoyment out of collecting this way. I had picked up a couple of collectors editions during that time. However, it wasn't until I picked up Diablo 3 collectors edition that I realized that I get a lot more enjoyment looking at the all cool little extra's that I get with CE's and decided I rather fill my shelves with steel books and CE's rather than flimsy plastic cases. To me going back and look through the neat extra's is almost a good as playing the game its self.

So I have a very small collection (about 6 or so) but I've been trading in my games and have begun reinvesting in CE's. The most difficult thing about collecting these is that I'm on the fence if I should buy or keep them sealed. I would like to have my collection grow in the value but at the same time I want to open and enjoy them. I'm not one for double dipping because I feel it's a waste of money on an already expensive hobby. Not to mention some sealed edition go for double or even triple the original cost.

Would love to hear what some of your personal opinions are on sealed or un sealed collecting.

I'm glad I came across this is place because it's amazing how little information is released on CE's editions and it's nice to come to one places to look up info on them.

So hello.

OH and I wish every limited edition would include a certificate of what number out how many your game actually is. HA

08-05-2012, 10:56 PM
Hi and welcome. It really is up to you I'f you will like to keep them open or sealed. Some people keep them sealed for resale value, some open to be able to display them, and some buy two to keep one sealed and the othe to display. So really it all depends on you and what you are interested in. Honestly I have always kept all my stuff sealed and if I was able to obtain another copy later on for a lot less then I will open that one. But now when I think of it I would of just kept the really rare ones sealed and the ones that are over produced open, but now recently I started selling my whole collection and I regret now not opening them to be able to look at the extra contents.

08-15-2012, 01:26 PM
Welcome to the forum

Every collector is different, personally I'm a sealed collector but many on the forum are not.

For ultimate value keeping them sealed is the best choice, but that is not always feasible especially if you have to buy a standard copy as well to play the game.

What CE's do you have already?

08-15-2012, 05:05 PM
Its 1000x more enjoying than looking at standard editions :D
Having 6 collectors edition is already alot.
You started collecting because you enjoyed the contents on diablo 3, so don't let anything block your enjoyment. Open CE's like a kid opening a christmas gift or keep em sealed and display them as you pleased.
If a particular CE is being talked a lot on this forum, then its one of the things you should get that might increase in value, just a thought lol ;)

Btw how hot is it in Arizona right now? Been having heat wave like shit, taking showers 3 times a day QQ with no AC

08-17-2012, 02:12 PM
Welcome to the forums!

I never leave stuff sealed, I love the goodies inside!

08-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I don't have many CE's myself, but i've opened all the ones i have. I have no real plans to sell them in the future and i'd rather enjoy the things with them than just have a sealed box.

I buy them if they have things i like in them, so keeping them sealed kind of defeats the point of getting them in the first place for me.

08-17-2012, 08:03 PM
I mostly open mine, I do have one or two that are sealed, I dont keep them sealed for resale value, I look at a sealed copy as part of a collection. I will always open them first though and pick up a sealed copy later if I can afford it. My basement is mostly used to store my CE's editions at the moment and they are all wonderfully displayed, it's my favorite room of the house :)