View Full Version : What steelbooks are people searching for at the moment?
08-31-2012, 05:00 PM
I was just wandering what steelbooks people were trying to obtain at the moment, maybe it will give me some ideas of what to buy next :rotf:
Assassin's Creed 3 from Futureshop, Ni No Kuni, Splinter Cell Blacklist and Borderlands 2 from futureshop but there's a slim chance I'm getting that.
09-09-2012, 06:59 AM
Looking for all the ones I'm still missing basically. But ones that I'm really looking to buy right now would include batman arkham city (two face), SSX, Uncharted Collection, and all the yakuza steelbooks.
Looking for all the ones I'm still missing basically. But ones that I'm really looking to buy right now would include batman arkham city (two face), SSX, Uncharted Collection, and all the yakuza steelbooks.
Uncharted Collection? You got any pictures
09-09-2012, 07:04 AM
I mean this one, from spain
I mean this one, from spain
I thought that's an Uncharted 2 Italian version. Will put that on my wishlist :)
Just wondering, which of the 4 batman arkham city steelbook is the most desirable?
09-09-2012, 07:11 AM
It actually came with Uncharted 3 I believe in Spain.
Hard to say, none of them are very rare but I can say that the catwoman one is probably the least valuable.
09-10-2012, 01:33 PM
The Assassins Creed 3 steelbook from HMV & the Assassins Creed 3 from futureshop. Also the spanish Assassins Creed steelbook would be good,if its at a decent price
09-11-2012, 12:06 AM
I think I'm going to pre order the Assassin's Creed 3 HMV Steelbook soon, its a nice variation, I like it.
09-11-2012, 02:44 AM
I have most of the ones that I want, but there are still a few that I am planning on getting.
Crysis 2 from France
Assassin's Creed Collection (released for Brotherhood. It can be found from various PAL regions)
Assassin's Creed Revelations from France
Hitman Blood Money from UK (One of the few PS2 steelbooks)
Dead Island from Spain (Stickerbook, and rather ugly. I refuse to pay the standard ebay price)
Vanquish from the UK (I just can't seem to find a like new one. There aren't enough on ebay)
Yakuza 4 Shiro Edition from Australia
That's pretty much all the already released stuff I am looking to get.
09-11-2012, 08:41 PM
I've located most of the ones I am wanting. lol Here's a list of ones which I hope to be getting. :D
Borderlands 2 (FS)
Dead Island Riptide
Forza Horizon (FS)
Hitman Absolution (FS)
Dishonoured (FS)
Ni No Kuni Wrath of The White Witch
Assassin's Creed 3 (FS)
Assassin's Creed 3 (HMV)
Super Mario 3D Land (France)
Resident Evil 6 (FS)
Resident Evil 6 Steelbook Edition
That's all I can think off off the top of my head. lol
09-11-2012, 10:03 PM
dead island is very nice by the way!
dead island is very nice by the way!
have you receive it?
09-12-2012, 03:49 AM
The Dead Island Riptide steelbook is really cool! I just wish it had the name on the spine. I HATE it when they don't!
09-12-2012, 06:41 PM
I have most of the ones that I want, but there are still a few that I am planning on getting.
Crysis 2 from France
Assassin's Creed Collection (released for Brotherhood. It can be found from various PAL regions)
Assassin's Creed Revelations from France
Hitman Blood Money from UK (One of the few PS2 steelbooks)
Dead Island from Spain (Stickerbook, and rather ugly. I refuse to pay the standard ebay price)
Vanquish from the UK (I just can't seem to find a like new one. There aren't enough on ebay)
Yakuza 4 Shiro Edition from Australia
That's pretty much all the already released stuff I am looking to get.
I have a few Vanquish Steelbook, and found them on ebay UK for a good price.
09-12-2012, 06:57 PM
I have a few Vanquish Steelbook, and found them on ebay UK for a good price.
Yes, I'm well aware of ebay UK. This here ain't my first rodeo ;) lol
I'm watching one right now, but I've had a hell of a time finding one. I got one about a year and a half ago that came damaged. Since then I've not been able to find a like new one that is willing to ship to the US. The ones that keep popping up are just 'good' or 'very good' from some big company that doesn't scrutinize things nearly well enough. lol
09-12-2012, 07:02 PM
Yes, I'm well aware of ebay UK. This here ain't my first rodeo ;) lol
I'm watching one right now, but I've had a hell of a time finding one. I got one about a year and a half ago that came damaged. Since then I've not been able to find a like new one that is willing to ship to the US. The ones that keep popping up are just 'good' or 'very good' from some big company that doesn't scrutinize things nearly well enough. lol
Do you want a G2 or G1?
09-12-2012, 07:20 PM
Do you want a G2 or G1?
I'm lookin' for G1 for Vanquish. I've not paid any attention to the PS3 copies, so maybe that's where all the nice like new ones have been hiding. lol
09-13-2012, 01:43 PM
I found it alot easier to find a brand new G2 Vanquish (for around 25 EURO shipped). I still dont have a brand new G1 Vanquish, but i did get a near new for 7 EURO shipped
09-14-2012, 08:00 PM
Metal Gear Solid 4 japanese steelbook, Devil May Cry 4 north-american steelbook and the MGS: HD Collection steelbook.
09-14-2012, 08:07 PM
Currently hoping for a New Super Mario Bros 2 steelbook and Borderlands 2 steelbook, but sadly don't have the fund for either :( xx
09-14-2012, 08:17 PM
Metal Gear Solid 4 japanese steelbook, Devil May Cry 4 north-american steelbook and the MGS: HD Collection steelbook.
You can grab the DMC 4 Collector's Edition for fairly cheap. It's especially cheap when you consider that you are getting the whole game, not just the steelbook.
09-14-2012, 10:51 PM
I am a sad and typical steelbook hunter still looking for Mirror's Edge without selling my house to buy it... :this:
Strangely still need Zelda Skyward Sword and Skyrim - G2 one...
Assassin's Creed II stickerbook
Also Modern Warfare Collection and Borderlands 2 and and and and :hammer:
Enjoy the hunting though!! :)
09-17-2012, 01:29 AM
For now im just looking for the Ghost Recon one and Dishonored.
By the way i can get one for the first medal of honor if anyone is interested.
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