View Full Version : Ni No Kuni steelbook pre order bonus

09-09-2012, 02:07 AM
Pre order at gamestop (U.S.) or ebgames (canada) and get this exclusive steelbook for Ni No Kuni

release in 1/22/13


09-09-2012, 06:06 AM
Awesome find. This is a must have :D

10-15-2012, 08:04 AM
Thanks for the heads up.

Any idea if this will be a G2 steelbook?

Considering the game appears to be a PS3 exclusive, it would seem logical but you never know...

10-15-2012, 04:45 PM
my gut says G2 since it's supposed to be a PS3 only game case.

10-15-2012, 05:18 PM
do you reckon these are gonna be like the riptide and ac3 steels, available instore???

hope so

10-15-2012, 07:26 PM
I hope so, really need one :) Groupbuy in that case?

10-15-2012, 08:35 PM
AC3 and Dead Island Riptide were available in store to buy at Best Buy, more or less.

Gamestop has always had the policy of giving out preorder steelbooks at time of pickup and therefore you have to buy the game to get it.

Would be curious what happens to the steelbook if you return the game later?

10-16-2012, 08:43 AM
I don't think they keep track like Futureshop.

10-16-2012, 03:27 PM
Got mine pre-ordered. :D

01-16-2013, 10:13 PM
Actual Pictures of the steel:





01-16-2013, 10:22 PM
its the most beautiful steelbook i have ever seen. If anyone can get me one plz help me out!

01-16-2013, 10:48 PM
Could you please obtain one for us swiftdeath. Would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance if you can :D

01-16-2013, 10:51 PM
if you could get me one it would be much appreciated :P

01-17-2013, 12:11 AM
Holy shit that steel is beautiful. Anyone doing steel only groupbuy?

01-17-2013, 01:00 AM
I will be going to another gamestop by me tomorrow and see what I can do :thumb:

No promises though as I don't think you're supposed to be able to get more than one and even then not sure you're supposed to be able to get it without the game :think:

If I do get some, I'll allocate them in the order asked *Not taking anymore requests*

Rather unlikely that I'll be able to fulfill the requests I have now

Order is something like this as of now

1. Cosmic (was super fast on the asking lol)
2. ingmar
3. Redmagster (she PMed me)
4. evilvort3x
5. evilhawk
6. letrico
7. somegha

Again no idea if I can get them without the game like at other gamestop. no idea if I can buy multiples

Pre-order deposit is 5 USD, shipping would be somewhere around 8 - 10 USD without tracking

And if I didn't say it before, no promises but will try tomorrow so we'll see

Also I'm not willing to buy game + steelbook and do all the reselling nonsense or what have you.

If I do get some, I'll make a real group thread for it

01-17-2013, 03:12 AM
I've asked my local GameStop and said that I could get as many as I want so I'm guessing there's no limit on how many pre orders to get.

01-17-2013, 03:53 AM
current update..not to be an alarmest..but i will tell you what is total BULLSHIT!!!!...gamestop nationwide could NOT allocate enough steelbooks to cover all pre-orders...so depending on region..some GAMESTOP stores or maybe majority of them are having SHORTAGES...they are saving there asses by using the line "while supplies last"...so if you pre-ordered you are NOT gaurenteed a steelbook..they will first attempt to fulfill the earliest preorders or some store managers are saying on release day "first come first served"..another point of contention..and this is what i was told..they are NOT SEALED..so once can predict..dents, dings, scratches..especially that matte like finish..as of 72 hours ago GAMESTOP.COM has also REMOVED the steelbook promotion from there website..and i called 2 of my local stores and they said the steelbook offer is "not in there system"...so one can expect..this one NOT like the ACIII version which had plenty to go around..i hope preorder does'nt screw me over..and even worse if i do get one..i hope it's a MINT copy..but i doubt it :(

01-17-2013, 04:38 AM
That is a little alarming, I will have to see what the gamestop near me has on hand

01-17-2013, 04:52 PM
I called all EB games around me and some have cases in but they are currently all spoken for. Im told the case is only given out when the game is purchased.

Thing is nobody can tell me how many they are expecting. All stores seem to think they will only get cases to cover the preorders. They also all assume they will get more cases in if they continue to get preorders.

With all that said, I'm preordering today and hoping more steels come in.

01-17-2013, 05:10 PM
A further follow up revealed what each store got is all they are going to get as their warehouse has no more. Some people who pre ordered will also not get their case if there isn't enough stock in store.

If anyone is getting some of these, can I be put on the list??? :)

01-17-2013, 06:14 PM
Actual Pictures of the steel:





WOW! that is one good looking steelbook

01-17-2013, 07:33 PM
So just went to two gamestops near me (would've hit up a third but no point :(, see below)

Went to the first gamestop and the employee was unwilling to give the steelbooks out now as standard gamestop policy has always been.

So no go on the first gamestop but I know they had some in, so I thought maybe I try the same gamestop as yesterday, right?

Well instead of the awesome employee who game me the steel yesterday. I got the manager of that particular store and while he MOST certainly wouldn't have give me the steel on his life. He did manage to update on the status of the ni no kuni steelbook in my region. Yes my REGION

He said that the steelbooks in his store were gone completely, that he is actually missing one or two for people who had reserved it and is looking for more. He said that all stores in a 20 mile radius at least are completely out of freely available steels and that most are missing some to meet their preorders.

He said that his store had 8 pre-orders for Ni No Kuni in total. So he probably got 4 -5 steels at most.

He also said that in the last 24 hours an email went out to all stores in my region at least saying the supply is gone completely from the warehouse / source and that most stores are having problems filling their preorders so please help each other out etc.

Basically this is going to be a hard steelbook to get.
If it is maybe 4 preorder steelbooks per store and 1000 stores, I would say this is around a 4000 steelbook run (could be a little more of course)

I may not even get my steelbook when I pick up the game.

So I most certainly cannot get any for people's. I may be able to get one for cosmic but that would be it. And even then I don't know......

So lucky I got one yesterday

Also the third gamestop I referred to is my local gamestop and I really don't want to do anything too sketchy as they know me but it really wouldn't matter anyways as the manager for my local gamestop is far more OCD about pre-order bonuses than others so employees will almost never give it out before the game and in this particualr case there is no chance of getting a steelie early from that gamestop

01-17-2013, 07:48 PM
So just went to two gamestops near me (would've hit up a third but no point :(, see below)

Went to the first gamestop and the employee was unwilling to give the steelbooks out now as standard gamestop policy has always been.

So no go on the first gamestop but I know they had some in, so I thought maybe I try the same gamestop as yesterday, right?

Well instead of the awesome employee who game me the steel yesterday. I got the manager of that particular store and while he MOST certainly wouldn't have give me the steel on his life. He did manage to update on the status of the ni no kuni steelbook in my region. Yes my REGION

He said that the steelbooks in his store were gone completely, that he is actually missing one or two for people who had reserved it and is looking for more. He said that all stores in a 20 mile radius at least are completely out of freely available steels and that most are missing some to meet their preorders.

He said that his store had 8 pre-orders for Ni No Kuni in total. So he probably got 4 -5 steels at most.

He also said that in the last 24 hours an email went out to all stores in my region at least saying the supply is gone completely from the warehouse / source and that most stores are having problems filling their preorders so please help each other out etc.

Basically this is going to be a hard steelbook to get.
If it is maybe 4 preorder steelbooks per store and 1000 stores, I would say this is around a 4000 steelbook run (could be a little more of course)

I may not even get my steelbook when I pick up the game.

So I most certainly cannot get any for people's. I may be able to get one for cosmic but that would be it. And even then I don't know......

So lucky I got one yesterday

Also the third gamestop I referred to is my local gamestop and I really don't want to do anything too sketchy as they know me but it really wouldn't matter anyways as the manager for my local gamestop is far more OCD about pre-order bonuses than others so employees will almost never give it out before the game and in this particualr case there is no chance of getting a steelie early from that gamestop

That sucks mate! :( Really hope I am able to get one from somewhere else I'm gonna be well gutted! :( Cheers for your effort! ^o^ You're a star! :D

01-17-2013, 09:17 PM
Just got back from GameStop and they will give out the steelbooks to those who preordered the game before January 15 on release day. It shows on there system when you preorder the game. The guy showed me the steelbook which they keep on the drawers behind them. I forgot my ipod on the car so I could take a picture of it but he said he's not suppose to be even showing it lol, but turns out he's a huge steelbook collector also. Its by far the best looking steelbook I've ever seen.

01-17-2013, 09:20 PM
Just got back from GameStop and they will give out the steelbooks to those who preordered the game before January 15 on release day. It shows on there system when you preorder the game. The guy showed me the steelbook which they keep on the drawers behind them. I forgot my ipod on the car so I could take a picture of it but he said he's not suppose to be even showing it lol, but turns out he's a huge steelbook collector also. Its by far the best looking steelbook I've ever seen.

Tell me about it! 0.0 The pics that SwiftDeath posted of it... :swoon: I must have this steelbook. It's so gorgeous! :drool:

01-17-2013, 09:25 PM
Tell me about it! 0.0 The pics that SwiftDeath posted of it... :swoon: I must have this steelbook. It's so gorgeous! :drool:

I must say it is quite nice to have a beatufiul G2 steelbook before the european members ;)

Kind of curious if Lemur has one

The idea that I have a G2 steelie that Lemur doesn't blows my mind :rotf:

Of course if he doesn't haven't yet, I'm sure it's in the mail to him lol

01-17-2013, 09:26 PM
Tell me about it! 0.0 The pics that SwiftDeath posted of it... :swoon: I must have this steelbook. It's so gorgeous! :drool:

When he handed it to me, I was ready to ran away... :D
To glossy lovers, yes its glossy :)

01-17-2013, 09:53 PM
No waayy. Means we can not get them anymore?

01-17-2013, 09:57 PM
No waayy. Means we can not get them anymore?

I cannot get anymore but there are more to be had

There will certainly be a good number on ebay otherwise maybe contact bob about trying to get some at his local gamestop as he said he MIGHT be able to get more than one

Not sure if he'd be up for it but you could ask him

Again I have 1 and may get another 1 but that one's already reserved for cosmic

01-17-2013, 10:06 PM
I cannot get anymore but there are more to be had

There will certainly be a good number on ebay otherwise maybe contact bob about trying to get some at his local gamestop as he said he MIGHT be able to get more than one

Not sure if he'd be up for it but you could ask him

Again I have 1 and may get another 1 but that one's already reserved for cosmic


01-17-2013, 10:11 PM

Hmmmmm :think:

i think this is the closest smiley to a fist bump :ok:

but maybe this one is more appropriate :poke:

lol jk cosmic I'll pick up the game on Tuesday and let you know then

01-17-2013, 10:12 PM
Hmmmmm :think:

i think this is the closest smiley to a fist bump :ok:

but maybe this one is more appropriate :poke:

lol jk cosmic I'll pick up the game on Tuesday and let you know then

lol Awesome mate! :beer:

Look forward to it! :thumb:

01-18-2013, 12:12 AM
My Gamestop only got 4 of these. I had 3 pre ordered and was able to get all 3 today. I tried to get the 4th one with no luck. Another Gamestop near me didn't get any at all.

The 3 I have are already spoken for.

01-18-2013, 01:11 AM
My Gamestop only got 4 of these. I had 3 pre ordered and was able to get all 3 today. I tried to get the 4th one with no luck. Another Gamestop near me didn't get any at all.

The 3 I have are already spoken for.

Yes same with the gamestops near me

I would say that each gamestop got 3 or 4 on average

I thought there were about 1000 gamestops in the US but looking online there are apparently 4000?

That would put the number of steels up to at least 12000 imo (especially if you include online sales) so I actually think there is just a lot of pre-order buzz right now

Once the first hundred or so copies sell on ebay, the market should most likely stabilize down a bit

Just my thoughts of course

01-18-2013, 01:57 AM
Yes same with the gamestops near me

I would say that each gamestop got 3 or 4 on average

I thought there were about 1000 gamestops in the US but looking online there are apparently 4000?

That would put the number of steels up to at least 12000 imo (especially if you include online sales) so I actually think there is just a lot of pre-order buzz right now

Once the first hundred or so copies sell on ebay, the market should most likely stabilize down a bit

Just my thoughts of course

Yeah, once the steelbooks start to flood the market, everything will go back to normal.

01-18-2013, 02:02 AM
I'm not sure if the 3-4 steels per store is accurate. When I called all EB stores today in my area some had around 10 and one had 25.

01-18-2013, 02:06 AM
I'm not sure if the 3-4 steels per store is accurate. When I called all EB stores today in my area some had around 10 and one had 25.

Are you sure that was steelbooks and not game preorders?

Although that still seems high for just the games :think:

The gamestop near me said they were only getting 8 copies of the game in and 4 - 5 steelbooks.

But there are probably more gamestops per capita in the us then there are eb games per captia in canada I would think

Gamestops are pretty damn rampant here. A bit like starbucks excpect I don't mind going in :D

01-18-2013, 02:12 AM
The internet says that there's only around 350 eb game stores in Canada but that seems low.....

From Gamestops corporate info

Found Here: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=130125&p=irol-faq#9321

"How many stores does GameStop operate, under what names?

GameStop has 6,614 stores in operation, of which 4,434 are located in the United States, 343 in Canada, 413 in Australia/New Zealand and 1,424 are in Europe. Our stores operate primarily under the names of GameStop and EB Games. Our stores sell new and used video game software, hardware and accessories for video game systems from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. In addition, the company sells PC entertainment software, related accessories and other merchandise."

EB Games is owned by gamestop

So with less than a tenth of the stores maybe the stores get a higher allotment of things?

Of course Canada also only has a tenth the population of the US but I guess it's more like 10% of the US population but 8% the number of Gamestop / Eb games :think:

01-18-2013, 02:41 AM
I just left my local GameStop and they had about 21 steels for the game but they are all spoken for.

I was told they hold on to them for three days and I could try then to get one. That is if someone decides to not pick up their copy.

01-18-2013, 02:47 AM
Are you sure that was steelbooks and not game preorders?

Although that still seems high for just the games :think:

The gamestop near me said they were only getting 8 copies of the game in and 4 - 5 steelbooks.

But there are probably more gamestops per capita in the us then there are eb games per captia in canada I would think

Gamestops are pretty damn rampant here. A bit like starbucks excpect I don't mind going in :D

Yeah, those were the number of steels they had. Most stores said they had just enough steels to cover their preorders. Some stores had more preorders than steels so some people are going to get screwed.

I was able to get a preorder in one store which had one steel left. The guy wouldn't let me take it till the game is released but he showed it to me. It's a nice steel :)

01-19-2013, 02:28 AM
I found one of these Steelbooks yesterday. I went to 6 gamestop stores and called another 4 and I only found one spare Steelbook, which I quickly snagged. This was a huge pain to track down, but it was worth it as it's very nice indeed.

01-19-2013, 02:50 AM
I found one of these Steelbooks yesterday. I went to 6 gamestop stores and called another 4 and I only found one spare Steelbook, which I quickly snagged. This was a huge pain to track down, but it was worth it as it's very nice indeed.

Yes definitely a hard one to source

I hope you got a mint copy?

01-19-2013, 02:57 AM
It's in excellent shape, though not sealed. Not sure if it was sealed in the first place.

01-19-2013, 03:00 AM
Nope they were never sealed

So a minty copy is the best you can get :D

01-20-2013, 02:48 AM
Can't believe you guys already have the copy :P

01-20-2013, 02:51 AM
Can't believe you guys already have the copy :P

Yea I'm real happy I do

Otherwise I'd be stressing about whether they'd have one for me on Tuesday :(