View Full Version : What was the first steelbook?
10-03-2012, 11:26 AM
Which was the first steelbook ever produced?
And, just out of interest, what was your first one?
Mine was Battlefield Gold - first I'd ever realised they existed - loved the look and feel of it and it's been a very slippery slope since then... LOL! :rotf:
10-03-2012, 11:36 AM
No idea which was the first ever produced tbh. And no idea which one was my first either.
Well, when I started collecting, my boyfriend, Allan, had already been collecting for a little while beforehand (albeit never knew about this site, so the collection wasn't very big, and not growing very much either). So based on that, by association, my first steelbook would have been the Gears of War 2 CE steelbook, as he already had that (even before he started to collect).
My first steelbook purchase (out of choice, when I began to collect) I think would have been the Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition steelbook. I might have gotten one or two before that in CEs, I can't really remember, but I think this is the earliest steelbook specific purchase I made when I began collecting.
It's hard to remember as I've gotten so many since then :rotf: xx
10-03-2012, 11:41 AM
I think my first steelbook was the one that came with my Bioshock CE.
10-03-2012, 11:55 AM
My Battlefield Gold was accidental - expensive accident!! LOL...
10-03-2012, 12:07 PM
What was the first platform with steelbooks? Pc?
10-03-2012, 12:22 PM
My first steelbook was the Resident Evil 4 steelbook for PS2, then Hitman Blood Money! ^^ I would hazard a guess at the PS2 being the first platform to sport steelbooks! ^^
10-03-2012, 02:51 PM
Mine was force unleashed 2 CE. Damn I started really late :facepalm:
10-03-2012, 03:37 PM
So.... couldn't resist asking and have it from the horses mouth...
'Thank you very much for your interest in the SteelBook? concept :)
The first SteelBook? title ever produced was Kill Zone for Sony Computer Entertainment.'
So there you go - Cosmic_Link with PS2 was on the money :)
10-03-2012, 03:58 PM
My first steelbook will probably be AC 3 freedom edition steel
Odesl?no z m?ho LG-P350 pomoc? Tapatalk 2
10-03-2012, 04:06 PM
It think it was Killzone for the PS2. My first was Resident Evil 4.
10-03-2012, 04:07 PM
Ok just saw reds reply.
10-03-2012, 04:09 PM
Ok just saw reds reply.
Yeah... but you knew - I asked Steelbook!! :notworthy:
10-03-2012, 04:29 PM
Haha yeah true but I can tell you all sorts of random things, for instance Dutch men have the tallest male average height of any country at 6ft 1".
10-03-2012, 04:39 PM
Haha yeah true but I can tell you all sorts of random things, for instance Dutch men have the tallest male average height of any country at 6ft 1".
And you are so the most random poster I know on here... :haha:
10-03-2012, 04:43 PM
Yep, I just have a random life :)
10-04-2012, 01:30 AM
My first steelbook was halo 2 for the old Xbox. When I got my first Xbox 360 I got lost planet with and it just happened to be a steelbook as well but my first steelbook I got for collecting would have to be...... The legend of Zelda skyward sword (Futureshop)
10-04-2012, 09:20 PM
I don't think the Halo was an actual Steelbook? Not sure tho.
10-04-2012, 09:28 PM
Yeah, Halo 2 wasn't an actual Steelbook - just similar. Same as the Perfect Dark Zero one xx
10-05-2012, 01:10 AM
That's true!!! I'm just putting it out there that it was my very steel case or whatever it was called
10-05-2012, 11:40 PM
Devil May Cry 4 (EU-Version)
10-08-2012, 05:37 AM
My first was MW2 in the Hardened Edition.
10-08-2012, 05:49 AM
Final Fantasy 12!
10-12-2012, 05:29 AM
My first was also FF 12 for PS2
10-12-2012, 06:07 AM
my first was resident evil IV for the ps2
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