View Full Version : Whats your take on the Wii it really "next gen?"
10-04-2012, 10:53 PM
I think the wii U is not a true next gen system, no matter what nintendo's PR and marketing department wants us to believe...i say it's nothing more than a wii HD...a lot of developers have already come out and said some of the processing power is weaker than XBOX360...and the initial launch 3rd party games are mostly ports of current gen games with glitches and issues..there's some controversy right now with some sega releases, with the wii u version performing the poorest, and i've read some insider reports from credible sources the tech inside the wii u is 4-6 years old...superior tech in some respects than xbox360 and ps3..but they intentially did not go with true cutting edge power in order to keep costs down and profitable...wii u at it's core has processors etc. from 2007 or so..not 2012 models..and even the controller screen is should have been at very least OLED...I love nintendo..wii u will shine with it's first party exclusives..but it will be left behind when the true next gen systems come out in the next 2 years from sony and microsoft...WII U = WII HD with a fancy controller set up..and that's all there is too it.feel free to chime in :D
10-04-2012, 11:03 PM
Agree completely, I mean 8gb for ?250!!!! I can get a 500gb PS3 with Uncharted 3 GOTY and GT5 Acdemy Edition for exactly the same price plus I'd get exclusive AC3 dlc and et all of the ports earlier with larger online communities and less glitches probably.
10-05-2012, 06:01 AM
Indeed it seems that the console isn't more powerful that the current-gen ones, but I kinda like the possibilities of interaction with the gamepad screen.
But well, I probably won't buy another system and go back to retrogaming.
I don't like the direction of the market, with more and more DLCs, Season Passes, digital games, ...
10-05-2012, 06:00 PM
wii u i could care less if its next gen or not I mostly by nintendo to play mario or zelda anyway anything ells along the way nintendo makes is just a pluss. After the wii I pretty much gave up on any 3rd part support from nitnendo yes there a few exception that just barely game out but for the most part it all sucks and is shovel ware.
geralds thats a superb shout
mario and zelda are were its at, few decent rpgs but the rest of it is mainly shit
10-05-2012, 11:01 PM
To add Nintendo shitty region lock meaning special oversea editions would just be for decoration thus kinda useless =(
10-24-2012, 01:13 PM
I say only Mario + Zelda + Metroid in HD!
10-24-2012, 07:02 PM
I dont no about metoid after other m Iv been quit indiffernt about metroid. Yes i know some people actualy like but I found it so bad that it literally killed metroid for me.
10-25-2012, 06:37 AM
I think the wii U is not a true next gen system, no matter what nintendo's PR and marketing department wants us to believe...i say it's nothing more than a wii HD...a lot of developers have already come out and said some of the processing power is weaker than XBOX360...and the initial launch 3rd party games are mostly ports of current gen games with glitches and issues..there's some controversy right now with some sega releases, with the wii u version performing the poorest, and i've read some insider reports from credible sources the tech inside the wii u is 4-6 years old...superior tech in some respects than xbox360 and ps3..but they intentially did not go with true cutting edge power in order to keep costs down and profitable...wii u at it's core has processors etc. from 2007 or so..not 2012 models..and even the controller screen is should have been at very least OLED...I love nintendo..wii u will shine with it's first party exclusives..but it will be left behind when the true next gen systems come out in the next 2 years from sony and microsoft...WII U = WII HD with a fancy controller set up..and that's all there is too it.feel free to chime in :D
You opened up a Wii U and found out exactly what processors it has?
10-28-2012, 07:20 PM
No..but i read a blog on-line where they had opened up the wii u and also the blog was citing a news channel which had talked to some employee at the chip manufacturer company.
10-28-2012, 11:03 PM
At least its a next gen console devoted to games rather than the poorly made swiss army knives the others will try to be... I still intend to get all 3 but most of the swiss army functions go unused on my consoles
10-29-2012, 09:12 AM
No..but i read a blog on-line where they had opened up the wii u and also the blog was citing a news channel which had talked to some employee at the chip manufacturer company.
I see...and I heard from a guy, who heard from a guy, who heard from another guy that the employee at the chip manufacturing company was lying LOL
If you are seriously interested in knowing what's under the hood of the Wii U, there are some great threads on NeoGaf and the B3D forums with posts from people in the know. I suggest reading them before posting nonsense about a next gen console having 5 year old tech in it.
richy rude
10-29-2012, 05:50 PM
In some ways I agree with twisted in that it's just more or less just a wii but in HD but I also think that's a bit unfair . Personally I don't think it will attract many gamers (if any) away from their ps3 or xbox 360. Or some might buy it just because 'it's new' and then trade in with the ps4/xbox720 are released.
But I think it's got some cool peripherals though and the millions of wii fans will love it bringing the wii experience finally into the 21 st (HD) century!
11-04-2012, 01:38 AM
No seriously, the tech is 5 years old..nintendo was doing cost analysis and for what there intent is...which is MATCH ps3 and xbox360..they went with 5 year old tech..because it was a lot cheaper for them to produce..if they went with cutting edge tech..the price would be at least $100 the tech they have is couple of years newer than ps3 and xbox360..but NOT anywhere close to PS4 or XBOX720
11-04-2012, 08:32 AM
Still being 5 years old is 5 years newer than the wii. Although yes it may be a bit more powerful due to having to run the tablet and both the PS3 and 360 have been optimised alt. just look at a launch game and compare it to a new game but by the time developers have gotten good at coding for it the PS4&720 will be out so the wii u will get left behind like the wii as it won't be able to run any of the games.
11-05-2012, 04:41 PM
If it sells more than the Gamecube I'll eat a prawn,and i hate prawns.
Most Wii owners are so called casual games who bought into the fad. They played it at a mates house and rushed out to get one for themselves, but i can't see many of them rushing to upgrade as they'll be perfectly happy with what they have(if they even still play i)and will remain content buying Wii shite such as Carnival games and Pony Groomer 5 and whatnot.
I love Nintendo and i am as games daft as they come,but the Wii U just doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'll probably bite when a new 3rd person Mario or a new Zelda come out but they can stick it up their arses for all i care.
IMO,it looks like a big bag of monkey spunk to me.
11-05-2012, 05:39 PM
'big bag of monkey spunk' what a pleasant phrase.
11-05-2012, 05:42 PM
'big bag of monkey spunk' what a pleasant phrase.
Typical Glaswegian/Scottish terminology ;) xx
11-06-2012, 06:06 AM
i will buy wii u once the price drops for mario/zelda games...but i'm in no rush to get one now.
11-17-2012, 01:11 AM
Saw one of these on demo at Best Buy today, and the controller is HUGE. At least 1.5x larger than I thought it would be based upon the photos I've seen.
11-17-2012, 03:47 AM
Im still wary that it will be one tablet per wii-u if i cant have 2 people on seperate tablets its not worth that much to me
11-17-2012, 05:30 AM
Im still wary that it will be one tablet per wii-u if i cant have 2 people on seperate tablets its not worth that much to me
I dont see why it matters it just seems like some little gimic nintendo is doing. Even if you can use 2 tablets on 1 system i dout player 2 can even use any of the rablet features and if they can i dont see them doing anything more then what player 1 can which if you ask me isnt going to add much more then just using 1 tablet per system.
11-17-2012, 05:32 AM
I think it would work well for super mario bros or smash bros, or when ps4 rips it off lbp3
11-17-2012, 08:56 AM
Never really been a Ninty fan, I bought a Wii not long after it's launch, played it for a while and haven't touched it since.
I see the Wii U won't be much different for me so I'm passing. :boredo:
11-17-2012, 08:22 PM
I think it would work well for super mario bros or smash bros, or when ps4 rips it off lbp3
Based on Videos that new mario game only uses 1 tablet and even then its like almost no reason unless you wana be player 1 just taping the touch pad to put items all over then freeking place.
11-18-2012, 03:55 AM
Based on Videos that new mario game only uses 1 tablet and even then its like almost no reason unless you wana be player 1 just taping the touch pad to put items all over then freeking place.
So they have taken what could have been one of the greatest adaptions to gaming and screwed it.. Figures
11-18-2012, 08:26 AM
its 'next-gen' for nintendo
but its not next-gen for the rest of us
11-24-2012, 12:16 AM
I played a bit yesterday, though I wasn't impressed because I only got to play/see those party games. They weren't demonstrating any proper "real" games. I'll have to wait until next week to really get into it when it launches here. :bomb:
11-24-2012, 01:24 AM
Lol once i played mine i just thought ok now i have a big ds.
11-24-2012, 09:57 AM
its 'next-gen' for nintendo
but its not next-gen for the rest of us
Consider that nails head thoroughly struck.
11-27-2012, 08:23 PM
Had no interest in the Wii U until it came into work..
Stock came in today, decided it was alright.
Noticed we have a spare Zombie U edition, suppose I could get it.
Played Nintendo Land, this is actually pretty good, think I want one.
Oh I can buy it right now, GIVE IT TO ME.
In the end, decided to wait and chance whether we get any surplus White Wii U in, as I only need the basic package, but just playing it definitely made me want to get one.
11-27-2012, 08:55 PM
The 8gb in the white isn't enough IMO. You only get 7.9gb and 4.2gb is OS plus patches.
11-27-2012, 09:04 PM
very meh the games get added features but nothing amazing i also have despised every ninty controller since nes, always find them uncomfatble and poorly weigheted always found 360 pads good for my dino shaped claws
11-30-2012, 08:56 PM
Saw some of the game prices in GAME today and they were royally taking the piss. ?60 each for Zombie U and Call of Duty Black Ops II. Fifty quid for a gamepad and ?45 for a Wii U branded controller - no different to the Wii version.
I know it's coming up to Christmas and all but them prices will kill the bloody thing stone dead by spring.
Even HMV were cheaper . . .:taunt:
12-01-2012, 12:54 AM
Even amazon want over forty quid for stuff like BO2, AC3, Mario, ZombieU and even ?39.99 for ME3. So you pay more to get games later than if you'd get them in PS3 and Xbox.
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