View Full Version : WTB Dishonored Steelbook.

10-11-2012, 09:14 PM

Was wondering if someone has a Dishonored Steelbook for sale? Would prefer it to be the Futureshop one.
If you got one for sale or know somewhere you can order one please post here, you could also send a PM.

If you got one, would you mind keeping it till atleast mid november? I haven't got money at the moment as I preordered Hitman.

Edit: Forgot to mention, PC or Xbox. Doesn't matter, just not PS3 cause I don't own one ^^!

10-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Hey man,

I have like 10 of these, Future Shop ones. Just look at my GB thread and you'll see what I have on sale. Worst comes to worst just pm me.