View Full Version : Hi, I'm TMM...

10-13-2012, 09:57 PM
Hello there, I am TMM or TheManMountain.

I've actually been visiting this site for a long time now to help keep an eye out on special editions, but thought I'd say hello.

I'm a big gamer, on Xbox and pc mainly but I do also have ps3, and well everything from SNES onwards in all honesty.

I'm a software developer by trade, but have also set up my own business as a bit of a hobby - I'd actually like to discuss some free advertising or something similar with who ever is in charge!

Anyway my latest acquisition is the Borderlands 2 ultimate loot edition, and I have a few upcoming special editions on preorder.


Just moving all my posts that are on later replies into this first post to make it easier to see, so we have:

The Collection - Part 1 - Final Fantasy Sideboard:

http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/images/blog/col1/col1.jpg (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)
For close up photos of anything click here. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)

The Collection - Part 2 - Steelbook/Collectors Movies:

http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/images/blog/col2/col1.jpg (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/131-the-collection-part-2)
Click here for some close ups. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/131-the-collection-part-2)

The Collection - Part 3 - Steelbook/Collector's Xbox Games:



Check out the close up and contents photos here. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/132-the-collection-part-3)

Keep an eye out for future updates, the next update should be some of the statues and random items I have gotten from collector's editions of games!

Update 2:

Just adding in the links to all the Unboxings I have up on my site:

Borderlands 2: Ultimate Loot Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/93-borderlands-2-ultimate-loot-edition)
Assassin's Creed 3: Freedom Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/109-assassin-s-creed-3-freedom-edition-unboxing)
Darksiders 2 Collector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/111-darksiders-2-collector-s-edition-unboxing)
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/113-driver-san-francisco-collector-s-edition-unboxing)
Hitman Absolution: Deluxe Professional Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/116-hitman-absolution-deluxe-professional-edition-unboxing)
Tekken 6: Limited Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/117-tekken-6-limited-edition-unboxing)
Nintendo WiiU: ZombiU Premium Pack (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/118-nintendo-wii-u-unboxing)
Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Collector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/125-dragonball-z-ultimate-tenkaichi-collector-edition-unboxing)
No No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Wizard's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/129-ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch-wizard-s-edition-unboxing)
Aliens: Colonial Marines Limited Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/133-aliens-colonial-marines-limited-edition-unboxing)
BioShock Infinite: Ultimate Songbird Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/136-bioshock-infinite-ultimate-songbird-edition-unboxing)
Mortal Kombat Kollector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/137-mortal-kombat-kollector-s-edition-unboxing)
Lord Of The Rings: War In The North Collector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/138-lord-of-the-rings-war-in-the-north-collectors-edition-unboxing)
Tomb Raider: Collector's Edition (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/140-tomb-raider-collector-s-edition-survival-kit-unboxing)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector's Edition (UK) (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing/141-injustice-gods-among-us-collector-s-edition-unboxing)

That's all for now. Keep an eye out for future updates, I am moving into a new office/study in my house which will be home to all sorts of collectibles I hope!


10-13-2012, 10:10 PM
Welcome to the forum :)
Looking forward for some pics X)

10-13-2012, 10:12 PM
:welcome: to the forum :wave:
Glad you have decided to become a member.
As for your idea's you need to speak to Twistedsymphony he is the owner off the site.Oh and i have moved your post to the introduction thread.:thumb:

10-13-2012, 10:23 PM
Apparently I am blind, as I hadn't even noticed this section! :-)

Thanks and hi :-)

10-14-2012, 01:04 PM
welcome.. ;)

01-30-2013, 08:36 PM
Hello again,

Just wanted to say Hi again as I've been crazy busy these last 6 months. I work full time and have started up a business in my spare time, so most of the internet was lost to me!

So, hello to everyone who has said hello thus far!

Now, from a collection point of view there is a lot to talk about... I collect Transformers (anything from the 80's to present day really, be it games, toys, Kre-o... anything!) however I do also collect computer games.

I have noticed a lot of you guys specialise in particular titles, I've seen some great Assassin's Creed and Bioshock collections on here (2 of my favourites) but my own collection is more dedicated to general collector's editions, books (maybe a special edition strategy guide for example) and the odd piece of merchandise (statues for example).

I hope, over the coming months, to take some pictures and show you guys everything. The only things I have at the moment are some unboxings on my site - These can be found here (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/games/unboxing)

I want to document my entire collection for personal reasons (mainly insurance) so I might use my site and this as a hub to share that with you.

So, hello again and keep an eye out for updates from me.


01-30-2013, 08:48 PM
Welcome to the forum buddy :)

01-30-2013, 09:16 PM
Welcome :) Had a quick look at your site and omg, I absolutely LOVE how you proposed to your girlfriend. My boyfriend loves it too, hopefully he took the hint ;)

You should upload pics of your collection in this thread :) xx

01-30-2013, 09:22 PM
Welcome :) Had a quick look at your site and omg, I absolutely LOVE how you proposed to your girlfriend. My boyfriend loves it too, hopefully he took the hint ;)

You should upload pics of your collection in this thread :) xx

N'awwww I really want him see this post.

To OP Welcome.

01-30-2013, 09:24 PM

Vhal_x - ha, thank you very much. A lot of my friends have said I have set the bar with that one! Hopefully the wedding will have some geekiness to it aswell!

For those who have not seen it - My Geeky Proposal (http://www.manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/110-themanmountain-is-now-engaged)


01-30-2013, 09:35 PM

Welcome to the forum TMM!
Enjoy your stay and i look forward to see pictures of your collection soon :yes:

02-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi Guys,

I've been busy with the camera today and taken some photos for part 1 of the collection! This is actually mainly all my fianc?'s in this section - she's a big Final Fantasy fan if you can't tell ;)

http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/images/blog/col1/col1.jpg (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)

For close up photos of anything click here. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)

Just to confirm we have here:

One of a kind Chocobo
Cloud Strife Statue
Cloud Strife Battle Statue
Dragonball Z Goku
Invader Zim and Gir Mighty Muggs
Advent Children Shadow Creeper
Sephiroth Battle Statue
Sephiroth Meteor Statue
One of a kind Moomba
Cloud Strife Buster Sword


02-03-2013, 02:52 PM
Hi Guys,

I've been busy with the camera today and taken some photos for part 1 of the collection! This is actually mainly all my fianc?'s in this section - she's a big Final Fantasy fan if you can't tell ;)

http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/images/blog/col1/col1.jpg (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)

For close up photos of anything click here. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/130-the-collection)

Just to confirm we have here:

One of a kind Chocobo
Cloud Strife Statue
Cloud Strife Battle Statue
Dragonball Z Goku
Invader Zim and Gir Mighty Muggs
Advent Children Shadow Creeper
Sephiroth Battle Statue
Sephiroth Meteor Statue
One of a kind Moomba
Cloud Strife Buster Sword


Nice stuff :) Although the DBZ figure is Gohan/Great Saiyaman :) xx

02-03-2013, 03:48 PM
Nice stuff :) Although the DBZ figure is Gohan/Great Saiyaman :) xx

Hi vhal_x,

My bad - I'm not too familiar with the Dragonball stuff! :) I bought her this edition for our anniversary (along with Ni No Kuni).

My next set of photos, which I hope to get done this week, will be my steelbooks and special edition games/movies.


02-06-2013, 08:18 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm getting closer to the games side of it - this post is a little off topic however I think some of your guys will appreciate the items.

This is the movies section of my collection, not many here however these are just the steelbooks or unique editions of things.

http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/images/blog/col2/col1.jpg (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/131-the-collection-part-2)

Click here for some close ups. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/131-the-collection-part-2)

Just to confirm we have:

Band of Brothers
Back to the Future (Seriously awesome set, check out the link above for all the contents)
Battle Royale
Halo Legends (See, there is some computer game stuff! :))
District 9
Star Trek


02-09-2013, 03:18 PM

Me again. I've just stuck up some images of some of the steelbooks, tins and random cases I have in my Xbox 360 section. These aren't necessarily all of my limited or collector's editions, these are just the ones that have something physically different outside of a normal box with a cardboard sleeve!




Check out the close up and contents photos here. (http://manmountaindesigns.co.uk/index.php/tmm-blog/132-the-collection-part-3)

I've also edited the very first post I have to show off all the stuff I have managed to photo so far.
