View Full Version : Help with maintaining statues
I need a noob 101 in maintaining statues. I only have Assassins Creed Statues which is out of their box and displayed behind an acrylic window. Now it does not get hit by sunlight but winter is coming and since I have a makeshift room, I am in the middle between our backyard and living room. so it does get cold in my room maybe 12c or about 45-50f temperatures in about 2-3 months. Now don't worry about me but I'm used to it, its my statues first time and should I worry about discoloration, cracking, and disfigurement etc. I'm pretty worried about it, and what should is reconmended to preserve the figures?
go to the doctors and tell them what you have just told us xmo
wtf mate, relax, there all bits of plastic lol, they will be fine, if your that worried then make a little cot for each one and put a blanket over them :beer:
10-18-2012, 08:42 PM
wow 12c is cold? try 0 to -5c and most of central Europe gets colder then that
but yea the figures are PVC or resin and unless it gets to -30c or 80c then they'll be fine
is sun light a real issue for statues?
it is for cricketers but not statues
10-18-2012, 09:07 PM
it is for cricketers but not statues
WHAT they stop play for rain Tea and sun
cricket is a proper sport for sure especially with there white noses
should I open my sealed statues that are currently in their original display boxes to display or leave them as they are
10-18-2012, 09:11 PM
but Connor the hunter deserves to be out of his box but then he'll just collect dust so yea I'll leave em
10-18-2012, 09:59 PM
I'm criminal - open them every time ;) Just love to see them properly - it's not all about the value... ;)
10-18-2012, 10:01 PM
Me too Mag, I don't give a fuck about value, I ain't gonna sell any of my stuff, so no point leaving them sealed. Would much prefer to see them all in their glory :D <3 xx
10-18-2012, 10:07 PM
I just enjoying unsealing stuff too much to leave me stuff sealed lol.
10-18-2012, 10:08 PM
Me too Mag, I don't give a fuck about value, I ain't gonna sell any of my stuff, so no point leaving them sealed. Would much prefer to see them all in their glory :D <3 xx
LMAO!! Couldn't have put it better Vhal :) :) :rotf:
really great figurines are one of my favourite colelctor's items and Assassin's creed do it so well.... :suicide:
10-18-2012, 10:10 PM
I just enjoying unsealing stuff too much to leave me stuff sealed lol.
My niece laughs at me at Christmas... carefully unpack stuff then pack it back again - get the pleasure of unpacking over again that way - bit like it with my collection!! :wave:
10-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Haha I really want a shrinkwrap machine to seal then immediately open again my items just because I enjoy it so much. Haha yeah my neice is the same, shall I play with this toy? No lets play with the box it came in.
10-18-2012, 10:42 PM
I opened my acr animus edition but left the shrink wrap on it
same with my sonic generations
which is soo silly
I don't use a heater just so let you guys know
I've heard some people said that discoloration or cracking with figures can occur in different temperatues. And I will unpack the Conner Hunter except for the Freedom Edition and Ubiworkshop Edition
10-19-2012, 02:33 AM
I don't use a heater just so let you guys know
I've heard some people said that discoloration or cracking with figures can occur in different temperatues. And I will unpack the Conner Hunter except for the Freedom Edition and Ubiworkshop Edition
Hi Xmo, which statues you talking about? I'm no pro but I collect statues as well and have heard that direct sunlight will cause discolouration in time. It's always better to maintain the temperature in the room that the statues are. Drastic quick changes can cause cracks on polystone statues.
I'll try to look for some links on a statue forum that I'm in about caring for statues for more info on these.
Oh and hell yea to the rest! I open all figures as well, including CEs. Nothing is sealed. Of course, some sadly go back into the box for now since I'm running out of space to display them
The regular Assassins Creed figurines like the white edition, black, altair from LE, etc I dont have those rare ones like the polystone statues :P
I think its mostly pvc figurines, can you please get some information on maintaining the statues
10-21-2012, 04:48 AM
Sorry for the late reply.. but here's all that I can find about PVC statues..
This is also why PVC tends to get a bit crappy and brittle after a long time. Oh yeah these plasticisers are quite toxic too. And if you have a fire at home, dump your figurines at them to extinguish it, since the chlorine produced retards the flame. Btw, some plasticisers are thought to reduce the quality of MAN SPERM.
Haha kidding.. On a serious note.. I havn't seen anything about PVC statues getting damaged in any way during cold temperatures. Heat, at about 60 degrees celsius, however can soften it causing it to bend.. Direct sunlight is also a no-no.
A link on how to care for PVC statues..
Sorry for the late reply.. but here's all that I can find about PVC statues..
Haha kidding.. On a serious note.. I havn't seen anything about PVC statues getting damaged in any way during cold temperatures. Heat, at about 60 degrees celsius, however can soften it causing it to bend.. Direct sunlight is also a no-no.
A link on how to care for PVC statues..
Great info! I don't know putting the figures in the freezer for 20 minutes every couple months, but will do atleast once a year.
10-23-2012, 01:22 PM
Hope it helps! Don't know about the freezer thing but I might try it out too.
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