View Full Version : Assassin's Creed Tokyo Art Folders *Update* Arrived & Pictured!

11-11-2012, 09:04 PM
Anyone know anything about these AC Prints/cards?


Found Here: http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b127479556

I made a post about them in the rare found stuff thread but no one's really replied and I'm kinda impatient :P

As I said in the other post, they are apparently small prints/cards of the larger exhibition pieces at the 2nd Toyko AC art exhibit

They are apparently AC art done by various famous Japanese artists from anime artists to famous VG artists. One from Capcom and one from Namco Bandai to name a few.

Found info on the art exhibit here:



So I do understand where they're from but I'm curious if anyone understands what they are exactly.

Update: Received the folders yesterday :)

They are far more awesome than I could have imagined


Here are high resolution scans of the art on the folders:

1. By Tatsuya Yoshikawa


2. By Mahiro Maeda


3. By Yusuke Hashimoto


4. By Daigo Okumura


5. By Takashi Okazaki


6. By Koji Morimoto


7. By Seilchiro Hosokawa / Cyberconnect2 co. ???


8. By Tsutomu Nihei


9, 10, and 11 are all Ubisoft concept arts (11 for example is also on back of FS AC Revelations steelbook)




Other Pictures

Scan of Back Cover (Exactly the same on all folders)

Picture of Back Cover

Picture of Side view

Picture of Artist Name, Ubisoft Info (On all 8 Original Japanese Works, artist names are different of course)

Picture of Ubisoft info on concept arts

Video showing all the folders
For those curious if the audio is broken, it's not I just hate the sound of my recorded voice

Link: http://youtu.be/sAYT4raF8-I

Tried embedding the youtube video but it's just a white box, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

I absolutely love these folders :D

11-11-2012, 09:21 PM
My guess
Ask the person you got them from they are most likely to know the most or ask where they got them from and try and chase them down and ask them

Ask the website you got the information from already
Ask UBisoft
Ask the curator of the art exhibit
You have a lot of information already
What more are you expecting
You know there origin and source

11-11-2012, 09:28 PM
My guess
Ask the person you got them from they are most likely to know the most or ask where they got them from and try and chase them down and ask them

Ask the website you got the information from already
Ask UBisoft
Ask the curator of the art exhibit
You have a lot of information already
What more are you expecting
You know there origin and source

Ugh...Trying to talk to japanese sellers on Yahoo.jp auctions isn't worth it.

I might try to email ubisoft japan or that curator if I can find them.

You're right I do know quite a bit about them already, at least their origin.

I just wondered if anyone here knew anything about art exhibits in general and that maybe it's common practice to give away little cards/prints of the pieces?

11-11-2012, 09:34 PM
My opinion of art exhibits is that they have a souvenir section that sells small post cards of most prints in a exhibition
And also some times exhibitions have an exhibition booklet displaying information with a small PIC of each piece per page
And sometimes an exhibition pack with small prints framed or in a small display pack

11-11-2012, 09:38 PM
My opinion of art exhibits is that they have a souvenir section that sells small post cards of most prints in a exhibition
And also some times exhibitions have an exhibition booklet displaying information with a small PIC of each piece per page
And sometimes an exhibition pack with small prints framed or in a small display pack

Yes I think it's probably something along these lines as well.

Not exactly rare LOL

But I really do like the looks of 2 or 3 of them and couldn't pass it up

11-11-2012, 10:27 PM
I wouldn't really call them art cards. They look like folders to me. See those half-circle cutouts on the right-hand side; those cutouts are so that you can easily access/pull-out the papers that you store in them. I've seen similar promo folders before; that's how I know they're folders.

11-11-2012, 10:31 PM
I wouldn't really call them art cards. They look like folders to me. See those half-circle cutouts on the right-hand side; those cutouts are so that you can easily access/pull-out the papers that you store in them. I've seen similar promo folders before; that's how I know they're folders.


Does that make them better or worse? At least in your opinion?

What would they be used to store?

11-11-2012, 11:21 PM
I don't really think they're better or worse. I dont really know anything about those AC folders though; i hadn't seen them before. I'm positive they're folders though.

They make similar promo folders for Metal Gear games. I guess they're used to store papers, booklets, or leaflets. They're very much a quirky Japanese thing; they're not something you usually see anywhere else.


11-24-2012, 04:59 PM
*First Post Updated as well*

Update: Received the folders yesterday :)

They are far more awesome than I could have imagined


Here are high resolution scans of the art on the folders:

1. By Tatsuya Yoshikawa


2. By Mahiro Maeda


3. By Yusuke Hashimoto


4. By Daigo Okumura


5. By Takashi Okazaki


6. By Koji Morimoto


7. By Seilchiro Hosokawa / Cyberconnect2 co. ???


8. By Tsutomu Nihei


Click on the image above (#8) and zoom in on the top of the chapel in the middle

Is it a bird, Is it a plane, Is it superman, no it's far, far more awesome....

9, 10, and 11 are all Ubisoft concept arts (11 for example is also on back of FS AC Revelations steelbook)




Other Pictures

Scan of Back Cover (Exactly the same on all folders)

Picture of Back Cover

Picture of Side view

Picture of Artist Name, Ubisoft Info (On all 8 Original Japanese Works, artist names are different of course)

Picture of Ubisoft info on concept arts

Video showing all the folders
Be warned, video was shot with iphone in portrait so it's a bit of a strange shape.
For those curious if the audio is broken, it's not I just hate the sound of my recorded voice.

Link: http://youtu.be/sAYT4raF8-I

Tried embedding the youtube video but it's just a white box, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Btw if it wasn't completely obvious, I absolutely love these folders :D

11-24-2012, 05:22 PM
I can shead some light on these things. There some kind of weird art things they give away durring tokyo game show there a lot more of there outside Japanese there something special but if you lived in Japanese you would see there quit common and nothing real specially especially if you wen to tokyo game show. There is a lot of shop in akrabaha (which happens to be located in tokyo as well) that get there to there not just limited to video game stuff as well.

11-24-2012, 05:23 PM
Where did you get'em please xD?

11-24-2012, 05:28 PM
I can shead some light on these things. There some kind of weird art things they give away durring tokyo game show there a lot more of there outside Japanese there something special but if you lived in Japanese you would see there quit common and nothing real specially especially if you wen to tokyo game show.

Thanks for the info but I am rather sure on there origin

From what I can discern on the two or three Japanese websites I've found that actually described these, they were only available for purchase at the 2nd Assassin's Creed Art Exhibition in Tokyo, not the game show.

Unless someone has anything that actually says they were available at the game show?

The 2nd Art Exhibition only ran from Jan. 6 - 17 of this year so while I don't think they're necessarily super rare. I do think someone would be very hard pressed to find these for sale in Japan, let alone outside of it. The 3 concept art folders are easier to get from what I've seen but the original works from Japanese artists are much harder to find.

11-24-2012, 05:29 PM
YOu can find plenty of there is you look on amazon japan or verrious other japanese auctions sites. Though iv noticed most of there Japanese people who buy these happen to live outside tokyo.

11-24-2012, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the info but I am rather sure on there origin

From what I can discern on the two or three Japanese websites I've found that actually described these, they were only available for purchase at the 2nd Assassin's Creed Art Exhibition in Tokyo, not the game show.

Unless someone has anything that actually says they were available at the game show?

The 2nd Art Exhibition only ran from Jan. 6 - 17 of this year so while I don't think they're necessarily super rare. I do think someone would be very hard pressed to find these for sale in Japan, let alone outside of it. The 3 concept art folders are easier to get from what I've seen but the original works from Japanese artists are much harder to find.

There even avalable for free from tokyo game show. I have asked enough Japanese people to know that there so so durt common there there at tokyo game shows an verrious other promotions around tokyo to sell there next big game. The ones from tokyo game show might just have differnt art work perhapps but any big outlet and way to get the word out they have theres and hundreds other items you would be suprised to see. You will find they do a lot more of these for non Japanese game as they try much harder to sell non Japanese games to Japanese people but 90% of the time JApanese do not care and just throw these things away.

11-24-2012, 05:32 PM
YOu can find plenty of there is you look on amazon japan or verrious other japanese auctions sites. Though iv noticed most of there Japanese people who buy these happen to live outside tokyo.

Well that is somewhat disheartening, aw well :)

Mind posting some links to the folders you mentioned?

Problem i have with yahoo japan is there's no completed listings options so I can't see what has sold in the past.

The ones I bought and a single other folder were all that were on Yahoo auctions at the time of my purchase

11-24-2012, 05:36 PM
I would be able to help you more if i actually knew the Japanese word for these things. I can probably ask some of the Japanese people i know and see what they say.

11-24-2012, 05:37 PM
There even avalable for free from tokyo game show. I have asked enough Japanese people to know that there so so durt common there there at tokyo game shows an verrious other promotions around tokyo to sell there next big game. The ones from tokyo game show might just have differnt art work perhapps but any big outlet and way to get the word out they have theres and hundreds other items you would be suprised to see. You will find they do a lot more of these for non Japanese game as they try much harder to sell non Japanese games to Japanese people but 90% of the time JApanese do not care and just throw these things away.

Do you also have pictures of any of the folders that were available at the tokyo game show?

I know for a fact that the 8 originals I have were sold at the art exhibition, not given away.

Again I found it very difficult to determine how common they were/are both inside and outside japan.

I'm interested in my 8 folders which I really do believe were exclusive to the art exhibition

11-24-2012, 05:39 PM
Do you also have pictures of any of the folders that were available at the tokyo game show?

I know for a fact that the 8 originals I have were sold at the art exhibition, not given away.

Again I found it very difficult to determine how common they were/are both inside and outside japan.

I'm interested in my 8 folders which I really do believe were exclusive to the art exhibition

The exact ones you have might be but im sure there other art folders from tokyo game show as well. I will ask some of my Japanese friends tonight s they can give me more information and links and stuff seeing as again i just can find the exacts as i haven't the slightest idea how or what there called in Japanese to get you real links and better information.

11-24-2012, 05:47 PM
The exact ones you have might be but im sure there other art folders from tokyo game show as well. I will ask some of my Japanese friends tonight s they can give me more information and links and stuff seeing as again i just can find the exacts as i haven't the slightest idea how or what there called in Japanese to get you real links and better information.

i would love to know what this website says:


I know it talks about the folders in the merchandise section somewhere

I can't grab the text so I can't use google translate on it

11-24-2012, 05:59 PM
oh thats easy you can easal see its just an assassint creed advertising page for one. It just an art gallary promotion there using to build hype for asssisns creed 3 and that it will include verrious other art items from asssissns creed history. It just one of there large and heavy promotions i was mentioning about there there trying t get Japanese people interested in non Japanese made games. Well that is what the bottom text says anyway. The top part is just basic an art promotion to help try and boost sales from assassins creed revalations that just came out. Then they give you links to each assassins creed website. Then some were on there they mention 1 or 2 of the artist who did some drawings to try and garner Japanese attention. and then as you can see the bottom is like a map to show people how to get there.

FYI do not bother with google translate its way to freeking in accurate. Even with all the promotion you can see there doing for assassins creed it still sad it still cant seel half as well as actuall Japanese made games in Japan. アサシンクリード asashin kuriido アサシンクリードII asashin kuriido 2 アサシンクリードブラザーフッド asashin kuriido burazaafuddo アサシンクリードリベレーション asashin kuriido ribereeshon

11-24-2012, 11:47 PM
I know how you feel about your recorded voice. I hate mine too. Unfortunately I think that's how we sound to everyone else as you hear your voice partly through your jaw so you sound different to yourself. Although mice don't help.

11-25-2012, 05:36 AM
I know how you feel about your recorded voice. I hate mine too. Unfortunately I think that's how we sound to everyone else as you hear your voice partly through your jaw so you sound different to yourself. Although mice don't help.

Yep that's pretty much it. The sound of your own voice gets distorted on the way to your ears or something like that and you spend your entire life hearing it one way, get used to it, then hear how you sound to everyone else.

The fact that you noticed that means you must have read my whole comment. I was worried I might have made it too long :D

Although I guess it's 90% eyecandy anyways

11-25-2012, 08:47 AM
Yeah most of it after the first section is pics. It's weird if you think about how your the only person who can't hear what you sound like.

11-25-2012, 12:46 PM
Very cool. :D Where did you acquire these from and at what price? Also, is there any chance you can get anymore? :P

Embedded video! ;)


11-25-2012, 05:53 PM
I would like a set of these

11-25-2012, 08:42 PM
Very cool. :D Where did you acquire these from and at what price? Also, is there any chance you can get anymore? :P

Embedded video! ;)

Thanks for embedding it for me, everything else on here I can figure out ok, just can't embed youtube videos.

I actually bought them on yahoo auctions japan, link below.


After all the fees I had to pay and everything, I think they came out to about 10 USD a folder but I'm not entirely sure as it was kind of a long process.

As for getting more, I'm currently waiting on Geralds to talk with some Japanese friends he has, as they should be able to determine how common these are in japan.

I believe that the 3 concept art print folders were probably available at multiple events, the art exhibit, tokyo game show etc. Only inside Japan though regardless.

The 8 original Japanese artworks/folders were, from what little I can piece together on several Japanese websites, exclusively sold at the art exhibit.

I think I saw a comment somewhere that they were supposed to be exclusively sold at the exhibit unless they don't all sell out. In which case, the remainder might be sold elsewhere.

Again I have had a lot of trouble finding good info on this.

Other problem is the art exhibit was held at 3 separate cities on different dates and considering that this art was specifically done to try and foster interest among Japanese gamers for Assassin's Creed, I imagine these were available for purchase in all 3 cities.

I really don't know how common these are/aren't inside japan. If they were only available at the art exhibit, they could be hard to find.

If Geralds can't find anymore, I may sell some of mine simply because I doubt I ever could complete the set and would just keep the 3 or 4 I really wanted. Although my favorites have changed since actually seeing them in person :D

I am missing 5 artwork folders, below are pictures of the artwork I'm missing, obviously these are the actual artworks and not folders






All of the original artworks can be seen here:

Page is in japanese of course, I would recommend google translate if you really want to know what it says but as Geralds has mentioned, it isn't a perfect translation by any means

11-25-2012, 08:47 PM
I want that altair one. The last one is soul calibre isn't it?

11-25-2012, 08:52 PM
I want that altair one. The last one is soul calibre isn't it?

Me too sigh me too....

Yes I'm sure the last one is soul calibur. Not really sure if that was specially commissioned for the art exhibit as it's less focused on Assassin's Creed then the others

Btw found a pic of the folders for sale at the art exhibit



This really doesn't prove that it wasn't sold elsewhere as well but at the very least, they were most certainly not free.

Edit: Actually these might be the postcards???

I think the folders are in the red circle below, hard to tell


11-26-2012, 05:35 PM
There crap tons of art folders or other art folder like stuff all the time stores give this stuff away as like preorder bonus. I wouldnt even be supprised if stores like HMV Japan even gave away nice art calanders as free preorder bonus. Theres a crap ton of exclusive preorder crap and other stuff always giving away a akiraba districts in tokyo as well a lot of that stuff you wont find online ether as most of it you have to be physicaly present to even get it anyway. Japanese also don't seem to have a standard place to sell stuff like how we have ebay, Yes yahoo auctions may be the most popular auction website in Japan but still not enough gets posted on there compared to ebay because of rules banning foriegners from bidding and crap. ALso thanks for that link now i can probably find better information thanks to that link and probably better explain it to some of my Japanese friends.

Here are some of the strange promotional or ther stuff to try and convice japanese to buy stuff like here some assassins creed art work made 100% out of acrylic


11-26-2012, 06:00 PM
Ah, wish one of those events paid a visit here!

11-26-2012, 06:06 PM
Ah, wish one of those events paid a visit here!

They mostly dont and majority of them are all in tokyo because they trying to convince Japanese people to try out western games and non rpgs. RPGS are the top selling genre of video games in Japan like i dout you ever going to see this kinda avertizement or promotion for crap like final fantasy or Dragon Quest as those are already exstreamly high sellers in Japan but you can find this crap for like halo resident evil, even call of duty of stuff like this in Japan. I used to think americans were heavy advertizers and try hard to get people to buy things but then i saw what Tokyo does and they seriously wont give up i was like wtf there not even try over here in America. There is a good enough reason why Tokyo is the city that spends the most money in the world for pretty much anything.

11-27-2012, 07:25 PM
Found the Japanese sites that I believe say the clear files I have were merchandise exclusively made for the art exhibitions (obviously in Japanese, so not 100% sure)



The following link is a random blog (I think it's a blog?) of someone in Japan who went to the Art Exhibit. I only post it because they have a scan of one of my clear files :D


Also someone commented about how good it looked :)

Another website I found had something translate to: "These goods are sold exclusively at the venue(referring to the art exhibition)"

So I would assume it was the only way to get them

I guess that would put these into a convention type bonus item? Similar to something you could only get at Pax, or comicon etc.

Not super rare, but still hard to find

11-27-2012, 08:11 PM
Another website I found had something translate to: "These goods are sold exclusively at the venue(referring to the art exhibition)"

I have a feel that is not even remotely close to what it is actually saying at all. Autotranslate sucks it big time trust me.

11-27-2012, 08:15 PM
I have a feel that is not even remotely close to what it is actually saying at all. Autotranslate sucks it big time trust me.

Yeah I know autotranslate is bad but it's all I got. I was kind of hoping you could take a look at the other websites and give me your opinion on it.

11-27-2012, 08:23 PM
Sadly my japanese isnt well enough to read those sites but ill pass them over to some of my Japanese friends and I am sure i can come up with something that is assuming there English is good enough to explain it to me lol.

11-27-2012, 08:48 PM
Sadly my japanese isnt well enough to read those sites but ill pass them over to some of my Japanese friends and I am sure i can come up with something that is assuming there English is good enough to explain it to me lol.

Lol if only we all could communicate with each other perfectly....

12-02-2012, 09:44 PM
I have decided to sell some of my art folders as I have had no success in finding any more and therefore beleive I will never be able to complete the set.

As such I will only be keeping the 4 folders I like the best.

*7 of the original 11 folders are up for auction on ebay*

If you're interested more details and ebay links can be found in my sales thread shown below in my signature

Also I'm not entirely sure if it is all right to post this here as it pertains to the item in question but is also a bit of a sales alert???

If it's not ok than any passing mod, just delete this post

12-02-2012, 11:11 PM
I have decided to sell some of my art folders as I have had no success in finding any more and therefore beleive I will never be able to complete the set.

As such I will only be keeping the 4 folders I like the best.

*7 of the original 11 folders are up for auction on ebay*

If you're interested more details and ebay links can be found in my sales thread shown below in my signature

Also I'm not entirely sure if it is all right to post this here as it pertains to the item in question but is also a bit of a sales alert???

If it's not ok than any passing mod, just delete this post

I bet non of this would be hard to come buy if we had active Japanese Members here. Makes me want to move to Japan now lol.

12-02-2012, 11:18 PM
I bet non of this would be hard to come buy if we had active Japanese Members here. Makes me want to move to Japan now lol.

To be honest, I'm quite sure that the majority of these that were produced are sitting on shelves in japan, forgotten and gathering dust.

The Japanese would not value these as it is promotional material for a non-Japanese game so while they may not be that rare in Japan, they would still prove to be difficult to find.

I.E. how would you go about getting these from people's homes? Because I highly doubt anyone who got these really thinks about reselling them.

Also Japan is awesome :D

12-03-2012, 06:25 AM
I have decided to sell some of my art folders as I have had no success in finding any more and therefore beleive I will never be able to complete the set.

As such I will only be keeping the 4 folders I like the best.

*7 of the original 11 folders are up for auction on ebay*

If you're interested more details and ebay links can be found in my sales thread shown below in my signature

Also I'm not entirely sure if it is all right to post this here as it pertains to the item in question but is also a bit of a sales alert???

If it's not ok than any passing mod, just delete this post

So it's you who is selling these? If so why didn't you offer to give/sell these to a member at cost?

12-03-2012, 06:45 AM
So it's you who is selling these? If so why didn't you offer to give/sell these to a member at cost?

At the prices they are at right now, they are pretty much at cost.

I'll let the market decide the price.

This is a marketplace. While there are group buys here which are far more altruistic, there are even more sellers here who charge the market price for steelbooks and other things that they get at a fraction of the price.

I don't see anything wrong with what I'm doing as it happens on here constantly.

Steelbooks, convention swag, launch kits, promo stuff, you name it

For example, someone tried to sell me a Sealed AC II black edition and I can assure you it was most certainly not at their original cost, but at the current market price.