View Full Version : newest purchase AC3 Coin
11-12-2012, 03:06 AM
I just made a deal with a guy to buy the Exclusive Assassin's Creed 3 Commemorative Coin Midnight Release for $17. I just saw it sell on ebay for $48 shipped. Sweet.
11-12-2012, 03:24 AM
Cool Beans!..that sounds like a great price and solid investment..whenever u decide to get rid of it..i'm sure you'd at least double your money.
11-12-2012, 03:03 PM
he just changed his mind, now he wants $40 the greedy bastard.
hardly call him greedy mate but he is shitty for changing his mind after a deal is agreed, thats wrong!!, still think 40 is a decent price myself
11-12-2012, 08:56 PM
I for sure was buzzing my tits off at the original price. Only a true idiot with the word idiot imprinted on their forehead should buy this coin for $40.
11-12-2012, 08:57 PM
hardly call him greedy mate but he is shitty for changing his mind after a deal is agreed, thats wrong!!, still think 40 is a decent price myself
Do you have a mirror? :D :rotf:
11-12-2012, 09:00 PM
I wasn't implying that he was an idiot.
11-12-2012, 09:00 PM
I know I know, just a joke :taunt:
11-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Yea I'm happy with the price I got mine for
That seem to be going up in price for no reason
They'll be around for a long while yet
11-12-2012, 09:06 PM
what did you pay for yours? I didn't want anyone to get a bad impression since I'm still new here. Sorry.
11-12-2012, 09:07 PM
First one on eBay (again)
11-12-2012, 09:10 PM
Yikes, I'd never pay that much for a coin. At the most $15.
11-12-2012, 09:13 PM
But they're not that common and they sent that many for sale
11-12-2012, 09:16 PM
I guess I'm not that serious of a collector. Either that or I'm just broke. LOL.
11-12-2012, 09:17 PM
Well being in the us its easier for you to find one
Its harder for international people to find deals
11-12-2012, 10:12 PM
I understand that. The hardcover AC3 guide is still $21.86 at Amazon, if BestBuy has any copies left, do you want me to try to price match and get you one? I'll only charge you what it costs me, I'm not trying to make a profit, just trying to help. I know you love AC and so do I.
11-12-2012, 10:32 PM
Only if it comes with that best buy exclusive art print
11-12-2012, 10:39 PM
that's how the one I have is. it's still sealed and it has the litograph inside the wrap.
Ryu Kazama
11-12-2012, 11:59 PM
Isn't this the same coin that was super rare and one time only?
Kinda wanted one.
11-13-2012, 01:25 AM
yeah, just be prepared to pay as much as you would for a full game for it. I can't believe how ridiculous people are with the prices of things. I bet the bear tooth is going for a bit too.
11-13-2012, 10:28 AM
The bear tooth isn't out yet
And a lot rarer then this coin
But it has had a lot less media coverage
Comparing the size of countries USA to Czech republic
11-14-2012, 09:30 PM
I just sealed the deal and got it for $22 shipped.
11-15-2012, 09:29 PM
Nice price. Yep, that tooth will be out in 8 days and i'm really looking forward for that day :) Anyway, czech rep. is really small country and i think thats the reason why its the tooth rarer :)
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
11-15-2012, 09:56 PM
The coin is massive
Are american coins really that big
No wine your not in recession
It's impossible to lose coins that big
Ps mine arrived today
11-16-2012, 12:25 AM
where do you get the tooth from and how much did you pay?
11-16-2012, 05:52 AM
I'm gonna get two as preorder bonus. One is for Lowlyassassin
11-16-2012, 10:56 AM
An arm and a leg
And from a far away land some where near middle earth ><
11-16-2012, 10:40 PM
I've sent you a pm LowlyAssassin
11-16-2012, 10:54 PM
Replied you naughty thing
11-21-2012, 05:57 PM
I keep trying to leave you feedback but I keep getting the error The deal URL is invalid!
11-21-2012, 06:02 PM
I keep trying to leave you feedback but I keep getting the error The deal URL is invalid!
I believe that the deal url must be a thread in the marketplace section for it to go through properly
So is it a thread in the marketplace?
11-21-2012, 06:05 PM
no, it was for LowlyAssassin and it was just discussed here in this thread only.
11-21-2012, 06:07 PM
I also paid $29 for a coin - which is why I am broke but glad I got one!! :) :)
$10 short of 'IDIOT' ;) :whew:
11-21-2012, 06:09 PM
I wouldn't call you an idiot, ever. Mine should be in the post today. I can't wait to see it.
11-21-2012, 06:12 PM
I wouldn't call you an idiot, ever. Mine should be in the post today. I can't wait to see it.
Only teasing you :) :)
Trouble is - to get one in the UK we have to pursuade someone to ship it and a lot of Americans don't like doing that... ;)
11-21-2012, 06:47 PM
I'm still wondering how I can leave feedback for transactions conducted entirely in PMs, and would middling an item for someone count as a feedback worthy transaction? Items/money has exchanged hands, even if it was not originally my item.In the rare instance where neither you nor the other party have ever created a thread in the marketplace then simply make a "for sale" or "want to buy" thread (depending on whether you're the buyer or seller) and mark the item as sold or found. Then you can use that thread.
Found here:
I don't think you would have to create a thread specifically for this purpose. I'm pretty sure you or lowly have threads active in the marketplace section and could just make a small note in the bottom of the first post that details your transaction. Then just use that thread url as the deal url and you should be good.
Hope that helps :)
11-21-2012, 07:04 PM
Only teasing you :) :)
Trouble is - to get one in the UK we have to pursuade someone to ship it and a lot of Americans don't like doing that... ;)
Although that is always the case
With the coin I asked him how much extra he wanted for postage after I had paid
11-21-2012, 07:05 PM
Found here:
I don't think you would have to create a thread specifically for this purpose. I'm pretty sure you or lowly have threads active in the marketplace section and could just make a small note in the bottom of the first post that details your transaction. Then just use that thread url as the deal url and you should be good.
Hope that helps :)
Yea I have lofts pot threads open in the marketplace
11-21-2012, 07:32 PM
I got it, left feedback for you LowlyAssassin.
Thanks again for the help SwiftDeath.
11-29-2012, 09:46 PM
I just picked up the Art of Assassin's Creed III for $23.14USD shipped. Is that a good price or did I get robbed?
11-29-2012, 09:48 PM
Depends on where does it been shipped from xD but yeah its normal i guess
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
11-29-2012, 09:50 PM
There available for 13.26 GBP over here
11-29-2012, 09:56 PM
yeah, too bad my BestBuy doesn't have them in stock. I just found it on Amazon for $18.71, I could have price matched them. Oh well, I guess saving $5 isn't that much.
I really wish the dollar matched the pound, LOL. 13.26 does sound like a decent price. But that's still close to $21USD
11-29-2012, 10:04 PM
But a lot of use have been screwed by UBisoft and played 25 GBP for them and UBisoft is ignoring all of us
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