View Full Version : Mirror's Edge & Mass Effect Fine Art Collections
Maarten Brands
11-28-2012, 04:39 PM
Some of you already know this (and have made reservations :), but this evening at around 21:00 (UK time) the fine art collections for Mirror's Edge & Mass Effect go live at
The media announcement and official blogs/social media accounts will only start reporting on this tomorrow morning. So if you want to reserve or buy some single digit edition numbers (some are still available) later tonight would be the time to check our site.
Alternatively you can email me at maarten(at) and I'll see if I can email you the details even ealier :).
Thanks guys and much appreciated all of those who've already placed their reservations!
11-29-2012, 09:55 PM
Very good job, i think they look great!!
Sadly im just a student, and my budget all goes to CE's at the moment!
Hope it will be a succes!
Another game for art that would be amazing is Journey.
Maarten Brands
12-03-2012, 06:11 PM
Hi Ingmar,
Thanks you for the compliment. Reactions have been so positive, it exceeded our expectations really.
A Journey fine art collection is definitely happening by the way very early in the new year.
Again if anyone wants early access, just email me or subscribe to our newsletter (Which we're converting into a VIP updater)
12-04-2012, 01:42 AM
Very good job, i think they look great!!
Sadly im just a student, and my budget all goes to CE's at the moment!
Hope it will be a succes!
Another game for art that would be amazing is Journey.
just be happy your not a painting collector then lol..
02-01-2013, 02:36 AM
I'm generally not big on endorsing things, but thought it might be nice to share my experience on this one...
I just received my shipment from Cook and Becker. I have to say the artwork is amazing! Very, very high quality. The colors are deep, vibrant, and crisp. Printed on heavy stock, and if you go the dibond route you would likely need two people to lift/hang any of their larger pieces of art.
Maarten was my point of contact throughout the buying experience. He was helpful, responsive, and all-around great to work with.
Also, packaging was no problem.
If you've been considering buying anything from Cook and Becker, I hope this information is helpful to you in some way. Also, if you have any questions about the artwork or anything else, just post here and I'll share anything I can.
02-01-2013, 07:57 AM
02-01-2013, 11:31 PM
Mortal -- You've set the bar way too high on photos! lol! Yours always look so nice. I could never do this art the justice it deserves.
Let me say a couple of things though:
1) The art is HUGE (no exaggeration). I don't know what size the originals put out on the BioWare site were, but we're talking absolutely massive here!
2) Areas in the art that show light look like they are glowing when viewed in person. I don't know how this effect was achieved, but it's very fun too look at.
I mentioned my lack reluctance to enter the realm of photography to Maarten and I think we might be treated to some new photos of the pieces if we're lucky. Not sure, but hoping we can see something that isn't available though the website.
02-01-2013, 11:49 PM
Which one/s did you get?
02-02-2013, 03:00 AM
Really looking forward to the pics, it'd be very much appreciated!
How much was the shipping?
02-02-2013, 03:06 AM
Yes, lets see the pics, i've been intrigued by there work since maarten joined.
02-02-2013, 12:09 PM
Maarten Brands
02-02-2013, 03:52 PM
Ok, sorry it took me a long while but I've finally got some pictures from some of the works we've produced the last couple of weeks. Some of these are shot by a colleague of mine and by one of our clients. For the new collections we've made it a priority to do much more photography! :)
This is a Normandy artist proof print: (
Maarten Brands
02-02-2013, 03:53 PM
And here is one with a Dibond + Liquid Gloss finish ( ( (
Maarten Brands
02-02-2013, 03:55 PM
This is the Citadel piece. You can see it is a massive print. This print was discarded because the signature was too light though. ( ( (
Maarten Brands
02-02-2013, 04:01 PM
And finally, Miranda. This is Dibond mounted print with Acrylic glass. ( (
02-02-2013, 04:12 PM
Thanks Maarten! Much better shots than I could have provided :) .
02-04-2013, 01:28 AM
Wow, so tempted to add one to my wall. But the custom fees and taxes... yikes. Really wish I could see them in person. I can't tell if the giclees have a textured or smooth surface.
02-04-2013, 01:58 AM
I'm pulling the trigger on Tali. It's pretty much the only one I'm missing from my ME litho collection anyway. I'll pass on all the others only because I already own them in the form of Treehouse lithos.
Maarten Brands
02-04-2013, 02:52 PM
@V1sav1s For our US customers there are no taxes added on top of the list price on our site. We also keep the declared value on our packaging very low (at around USD 50 for unframed prints), so if customs is added (usually it is not but somehow sometimes it is), that should also be very low.
The only thing added will be shipping costs at US 29.95. We ship using Fedex and all shipment is fully insured.
02-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Ohhhh nice info about the low price Maarten. Do you guys include a receipt with the low value?
Tali looks awesome.
You should make an economic line for the poor peasants :P
Maarten Brands
02-04-2013, 07:17 PM
Hi Madigan,
If you order online at ( you get the full receipt with actual value etc. But the shipment forms will only list a price as low as we think we can get away with so to avoid any (or high) custom charges. :). In the case of custom charges we're currently also looking into a "charge shipper option" so that as a buyer you never have any suprise fees when taking receipt of your item. That being said we ship hundreds of prints to the US, Canada and practically anywhere in the world without any hassle.
The Tali print is beautiful I think. One of our most popular ones as well as there are only 7 left!
02-05-2013, 06:31 AM
Thanks for the help Maarten.
There seems to be quite a few differences with the candb version and the original version of "Mirror Mirror":
I actually prefer the original because of the buildings, the lighting around her face, skine tone, and hair (seems more "natural/disheveled").
02-05-2013, 06:40 AM
The Tali print is beautiful I think. One of our most popular ones as well as there are only 7 left!
6 now:thumb:
Maarten Brands
02-05-2013, 09:30 AM
@MortalMonday :thumb:
@Visavis I don't know if that one if the original or not (the colors are off), or what versions were used in promoting the game at the time. I can imagine there are several versions for magazine or website use.
All I can say is that the art team at DICE all extensively color corrected and proofed all the artworks that went on sale. Some of the images like Above it All have even be reworked to allow for large scale printing. What I can see is that the Mirror Mirror one we sell in closer is color tone to the rest of the works than the other one you're linking.
02-05-2013, 07:23 PM
Awesome pictures Maarten, im still in the process of framing all my works - some are done, some not
The team is absolutely enormous its unbelievable
Maarten Brands
02-07-2013, 02:48 PM
Ha, it's a very big piece right? :) If you want to share some pictures of the framed ones, would love to see those.
02-12-2013, 03:37 AM
I've been a lurker on here for a while but thought I'd finally register.
Just wanted to say that the products from C&B are amazing. I've already gotten a few from the Mass Effect series and cannot say enough good things about the liquid gloss option they have. Absolutely stunning. Maarten is super quick to reply and has made the purchasing process smooth as butter. Couldn't deal with a nicer individual.
I'm already looking forward to the future releases that they have hinted at. Heaven help my wallet. :)
02-23-2013, 11:13 PM
In case anyone was wondering about the packaging used when the giclees are mounted it looks like this. While it should be customary that expensive items like these are packaged properly, that's unfurtunately far from always the case. Treehouse could certainly learn from this.
They really like orange tape :)
I can only agree with Chemgear regarding the service provided by C&B, it's top notch.
Maarten Brands
03-04-2013, 08:45 PM
I forgot to check in on the forum the last couple of days, so I completely missed these posts!
But thank you very much for the compliments Chem & Rasmus. Really appeciate it!
08-21-2013, 10:28 PM
Resurrecting this thread for this:
OMG it's gorgeous. Whatever production problems C&B may have had regarding the application of Dibond and Liquid gloss finish seem to have been solved. I'll get some better pics up soon, but I was about to burst with excitement.
08-21-2013, 10:39 PM
that thing cost 2000 euro right? Its the most amazing mass effect piece though, but i have to settle with a 40 dollar lithograph ^^
StayFree( ' 3')
08-22-2013, 12:53 AM
that thing cost 2000 euro right? Its the most amazing mass effect piece though, but i have to settle with a 40 dollar lithograph ^^
2000 euros?? Did I just read that right? @_@
08-22-2013, 01:07 AM
08-22-2013, 01:09 AM
the only one i might buy from candb is the miranda one, i always loved that one and the normal cheap litho is going so expensive on ebay now, i would almost be cheaper and much better quality to buy the candb one. Its so hard to decide ^^ want to get Ac artworks as well! (hope ACIV gets some nice giclee)
08-22-2013, 01:10 AM
You don't really pay that much though.. :)
08-22-2013, 02:06 PM
the only one i might buy from candb is the miranda one, i always loved that one and the normal cheap litho is going so expensive on ebay now, i would almost be cheaper and much better quality to buy the candb one. Its so hard to decide ^^ want to get Ac artworks as well! (hope ACIV gets some nice giclee)
Whoa! Can you tell us when candb will release their AC artworks? :clap::poll:
08-22-2013, 02:19 PM
sorry i wasnt clear...its unlikely they will, but im sure ubisoft will :)
08-22-2013, 10:16 PM
sorry i wasnt clear...its unlikely they will, but im sure ubisoft will :)
Crap they better not... I've spent enough on AC throughout the years. Now that there are one of a kind paintings and statues every year, instead of just buying the game and guide for maybe $100 per year, I'm spending $700-$1,000 on comics, figures, statues, guides, CEs, shoes, and clothing (that I don't wear)!
08-23-2013, 07:47 AM
instead of just buying the game and guide for maybe $100 per year, I'm spending $700-$100 on comics, figures, statues, guides, CEs, shoes, and clothing (that I don't wear)!
That's exactly what they want :spiteful:
08-23-2013, 05:08 PM
This thing certainly represents a large commitment both in price and precious wall space. Honestly if you don't positively, absolutely need The Team in super giant size, the image is the same as the litho so you should not be super disappointed to not have the C&B version.
Having said that, I am an amurrcan and bigger is better right? :snoop:
..anyway, here are some pictures. Keep in mind the liquid gloss is fiendishly shiny and reflective, it's very hard (for me) to get a decent picture without a ton of glare, so you'll see some weird angles here.
08-23-2013, 09:25 PM
I admit they look FANTASTIC, but the price of them is totally out of my range unfortunately.
08-23-2013, 10:51 PM
That Mass Effect piece looks amazing, but there's no way I could justify the price for that one. Plus, I prefer to get all my C&B prints custom framed locally rather than pay for the liquid gloss or Diasec treatments. Still, it's very nice to look at, and I'm severely tempted by other prints on the site, like the giant Mirror's Edge piece and some of the pricier ones by game concept artists.
08-24-2013, 01:47 PM
the liquid gloss looks so nice though...much better than a frame imho. but expensive and heavy and easy to break i guess??
08-24-2013, 07:05 PM
the liquid gloss looks so nice though...much better than a frame imho. but expensive and heavy and easy to break i guess??
Expensive: Yes (but not that much more than a proper frame)
Heavy: Not really
Easy to break: The finished product doesn't feel that fragile (but you can scratch the acrylic glass versions somewhat easily)
08-24-2013, 07:41 PM
the liquid gloss looks so nice though...much better than a frame imho. but expensive and heavy and easy to break i guess??
I pretty much agree with
Expensive: Yes (but not that much more than a proper frame)
Heavy: Not really
Easy to break: The finished product doesn't feel that fragile (but you can scratch the acrylic glass versions somewhat easily)
A decent frame job will cost and weigh about the same. The one major benefit of framing with museum glass is that you lose the crazy glare you get with the super reflective gloss coat. These C&B prints don't technically need glass at all though, as they are (advertised to be) highly resistant to fading and come with a lifetime guarantee, which I assume would mean a replacement.
11-07-2013, 12:34 AM
Mass Effect giclee's are 20% off now
Maarten Brands
11-07-2013, 08:00 AM
Yes, Cook & Becker very rarely does discounts but BioWare asked us if we wanted to celebrate N7 day (November 7) with them so we obliged :)
Only reduced for 48 hours!
Maarten Brands
12-11-2014, 07:19 PM
We just launched one new Mass Effect print together with BioWare, The Illusive Man.
Available in a limited-edition of 10 (Large) and normal edition of 50. Signed certificate by the artist Matt Rhodes and hand-signed by him via label as well (for back of print, frame or Dibond mount). All Certified Art Giclees again as per usual. Available here. (
Oh, and for the month of December all other Mass Effect work is 20% off (unframed versions) of their introduction price.
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