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Old 02-01-2013, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: Sealed nes game but worried about getting autograph on it

Originally Posted by SherbertDancesWTF View Post
Hello I'm new here and I have a sealed nes legend of Zelda and link collectors edition. I was wondering if it is better to get an autograph on the sealing or the box. I'm afraid if I take the sealing off it won't be worth more but the autograph on the sealing will wear off or won't be as special. Please tell me your view.

I guess it depends... Like someone else has asked, what are your intentions? For your own personal collection or for something to sell on to make a profit...

On top of that... What's worth more? (I know this is what you're asking...) A sealed version of the game... or a signed but unsealed version of the game? If the answer is the latter then it doesn't matter if you take the seal off... If the answer is a sealed version of the game, then have them sign the seal as it'll mean that it's a little bit more than just a sealed version... I guess again, this mainly boils down to personal preference of you or the buyer...


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