Thread: cancelling ce's
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Old 02-05-2013, 06:48 PM
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Default cancelling ce's

My god, i spend to much and had some unforseen bills, i now canceled 2 of my dead island orders (rigor mortis, and the bloody bust one), canceled my metal gear rising USA CE (hope it does not sell out, dont expect it at that price, but who knows?). And i really wanted the zavvi CE, but i think its overpriced so i never ordered it, hope i can get it cheap a few months down the line).

Its hard to make the right decission what to keep and what to cancel!

Orders i currently have are:
god of war ascension ce (got this for 60 pounds at amazon).
tomb raider Ce
hyperdimension neptunia
star craft ce (might cancel this one as well, but blizzard ce do tend to sell out right?).
April: Bioshock songbird edition
May: Last of US various CE

The above are not really safe CEs to cancel (my bday is in late april so should be able to afford bioshock and last of us). But march is going to be a real bitch.
Always looking to buy ps3 press kits!
My collection:

Make me an offer i cant refuse and anything from my collection is for sale
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