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Old 05-07-2011, 10:23 PM
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Default Emily The Strange Limited Edition available for pre-order at Amazon UK

This one seems to be gone under the radar, but have listed Emily The Strange Limited Edition. It's been listed under PQube who are the UK Publisher for games such as Blazblue and the recent Guility Gear XX.

In terms of details all there is at the moment is a picture, however it seems to include the following:
  • Branded T-Shirt ( images looks to indicate it's a female T-Shirt)
  • Branded Key Ring
  • Emily the Strange: dark Times novel
  • Emily the Rose Poster
  • Standard copy of the game ( NDS)
The price is quite steep at £89.99 and will be released on the 10th June 2011. It's not known at the moment if the contents will be in a single box or individual items similar to Balazble Continuum Shift Fan Edition.

A request for more information has been made from Pqube and will update as it comes available.

You can Pre-order it here: Amazon UK PQube Emily the Strange Limited Edition

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="504" caption="Emily the Strange Limited Edition Amazon UK NDS Pre-order"]

Update: 09 - May -2011 13:10 GMT

I receive an e-mail back from Pcube, this is what they say.

"The Limited Edition will have a reporters notepad ? image attached. I will get a press released sorted this week and include you in the mail out.

There will also be a Special Collector?s Edition ? contents to be confirmed, but again, I will make sure you are aware of the package as soon as it is confirmed."

picture is below.

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