05-08-2011, 01:23 PM
Staff Member
 United Kingdom
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3,593
Re: Emily The Strange Limited Edition available for pre-order at Amazon UK
Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix
Really? £90 for a DS CE? Outrageous! I agree, it had better be numbered and extremely limited, plus also come in special packaging for that price!
Which leads me to wonder - Will this come all specially packaged in a unique box, or is this just related merchandise which will be bundled into a shipping box alongside the standard game?
I don't quite understand where they get the £89.99 from, seeing as the hardback Dark Times book can be purchased separately from amazon for only £5.49:
The game itself is only £17.99:
Game + Book = £23.48
So you're telling me that a T shirt, keychain, and poster are worth £66.51 between them? Like fuck they are!