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Old 02-27-2013, 05:05 PM
Pelaus's Avatar
Pelaus Pelaus is offline
Pelaus's Flag is: Singapore Malaysia
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 142
Thumbs up Aussie friends pls Help me find this!

Want To Buy
Title: Portal 2 Cube Edition
Platform: PS3
region: 4
Condition: Either sealed or used but in very good condition (Sealed, new, used,etc)
Link to DB Entry:

To the gamers/collectors in the land down under, i really need ur help.
Im looking for this CE for my PS3 collection.
I could only find 1 via Aussie Ebay as for now.
But the price is a killer!
The seller is desperate to be richer by almost 400 bucks..
Anyway, if you could get hold one for me, pls do so.
I need it badly to 'complete' my PS3 collection.
I really hope a kind soul out there will help me out on this.
- Wondering if i could complete collecting each PS3 collector's item before PS4 is schedule to be out?! -

Last edited by Pelaus; 02-27-2013 at 05:19 PM.