Thankyou to everyone from all over the world for your welcome words. Viz. the spambot post by me, I can say that I'm a real person and that I'm not trying to sell anybody anything. Perhaps those flaggers did not read enough of my post to see I am for real or read too much into it. There is a warning on the marsanomaly site that the info contained therein can come as a shock to people, namely the truth that we are not alone and the hard official photographic evidence to back it up, alone with links to the NASA sites where the photos are stored. Disclosure and the knowledege that our governments have been in collusion with ETs is coming out more and more. Its even being covered in programs like Stargate and the future that shows like Star Trek show us could be our future, if we work hard enough together to make it so, to quote a famous Starfleet captain. For the most part gamers are intelligent, independent, can think for themselves and choose not to fight the future. Thanks again for the welcome everyone.