I've gotten into collecting steelbooks over the last year and I've got quite a few. I'm sure many people on the site have quite a few more than I do but I'll be working on that
I own basically every video game steelbook that's been available at Future Shop over the last year in Canada, including many doubles. I'm currently trying to expand my collection to include some EU/UK exclusives. I'm primarily a ps3 gamer but I also own an xbox 360, pc and wii. I try to get steelbooks for any game on these systems if I can. I don't worry about going for movie steelbooks because I'd kill myself trying to track em all down at this point. I've also got a good amount of collector's editions of ps3 games but nothing overly noteworthy, just whatever I can find for cheap.
I think the "jewels" of my collection, if you can call em that, are BFBC and Supremacy MMA steelbooks both for ps3. The only specific steelbook that I'm looking for atm is probably MAG. I know both MAG and BFBC are pretty ugly steelbooks but I enjoyed playing both of those games for hundreds of hours so there's a bit of sentimental value there.
Anyway if you're looking to trade don't be afraid to hit me up. I'm experienced with international and domestic shipping as I've been a member on a game importing website for a couple years and ship frequently. I'm hoping to make some deals with people and expand my ever growing collection.
Currently looking for steelbooks for the following games:
Call of Duty World at War
I like collecting steelbooks for older ps3 games as well. There are a lot of steelbooks I'm just discovering exist! I'll have to post up a collection of all my stuff so people know what I'm interested in but I own quite a few ps3 games as well so basically any one of em that I don't have a steelbook for, I'd be interested in.