Right you are. I'm too used to using my ps3 browser which does not enable me to paragraph my posts, even tho i am using my new (old) ibook G4 which does enable me to paragraph. Lesson learnt, thanks.
As for requests for pictures, they are all available thru the said link in my introductory post at the top. I do not wish to post them herein as they do not pertain to gaming, and would be classed as off-forum, tho I believe as gamers, many of you will be interested to see these evidences. Everything within the site is free, apart from J P Skipper's book(he's my self appointed mentor, a very intelligent insightful logical man. He would do a vulcan proud methinks). One shot is of a huge nozzle, larger than any crane we have here on earth, in order to be seen from orbit, which shoots out some sort of spray for making what J P Skipper thinks are domes, as domes can be seen in adjacent shots.
One other joyous piece of news, for ps3 fans, and suffering xbox holders whom housed us as refugees during the interim, is the return of psn today, starting with update 3.61. Oh godly joyous choir bashings and lashings of angel studded happiness and devotions. PSN is nearly back upon us.

Btw, I'm procion on psn, and proscyon on xboxlive, add me if thou wilt...