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Old 03-22-2013, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: How do you guys feel about Kickstarter CE's?

Originally Posted by winds View Post
Hey guys,
So one thing i've been curious about for a while, how do you think collectors editions will hold up in value and demand years from now, that were exclusive to Kickstarter projects? Do you think they'll be in less supply and more demand than AAA titles CE's in the future?

Apparently, nearly 1500 games were successfully Kickstarted in 2012. Judging from experience, i'd say a good percentage of those all had collectors editions offered as a pledge. As well, mostly all of the kickstarter exclusive collectors editions are highly limited. I'm just wondering if you guys think those are worth your efforts to collect for?

I've donated for a couple, namely the Pier Solar RPG and the Ouya console. I did also pledge for the still active Torment project but recently cancelled it because I don't have the funds any longer to support it. I'm curious if releases like that (the collectors edition for Torment for example) are something you guys see as being highly collectable in the future?

Personally I could see them being highly collectable only for the fact that most people I seem to talk to are unwilling to jump on the Kickstarter bandwagon for the sole reason of not wanting to spend money on something they may not see the benefits of for a couple years or so. When it is released years later though, they'll want to purchase a CE.

I personally think it would be more miss that hit with these but you never know, but I think if items like the Ouya take off items like the brown console might become valuable in the future.
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