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Old 03-25-2013, 03:17 AM
TheAlphaFest TheAlphaFest is offline
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TheAlphaFest's Flag is: Great Britain England
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Default New guy from England


Well I only just found out about this site in the last week or so, due to looking into Bioshock Infinite Steelbooks.

I'm not a hardcore collector, however, ever since purchasing my Assassin's Creed III: Freedom Edition and realising I really really like Steelbooks and special editions of DVDs, I have been wanting to pay more than the average for extra 'loot' whether it be special packaging or physical little goodies.

I have only a small collection of things right now...

Assassin's Creed collection
This is my favourite gaming series, I have all of the games thus far but only AC3 is a special edition, I have however got some merchandise from the franchise, and I plan on getting the top edition of Black Flag.
Just a tip, if you order from Ubisoft USE PAYPAL and order a month before or so. Had a bad job with ordering and nearly didn't get this through.

Uh, hopefully soon the Assassin's Creed III liberty door poster will be put up next to the Assassin's Creed Revelations one, but seeing as I'm making plans for university and a new game and potentially door poster is coming out, we will have to see.

Battlefield 3 Limited Edition with day one purchase shirt

Not exactly games related, but I will put this here as I love steelbooks and these deserve to be shown, to add to my collection with the Assassin's Creed Steelbook. (Also hoping to get a 'Fink' Bioshock one soon)

As stated above, I do like to try and get special editions/packaging of films too, but apart from the two steelbooks above, I left some of those out.

Alright, so at the moment not exactly massive like some amazing collections I have seen here, but will update this later in the week as I have pre-ordered the Bioshock Infinite Premium Edition, and hopefully will be able to get my hands on a Bioshock infinite Steelbook.
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