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Old 03-26-2013, 11:28 PM
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Default Borderlands 2 Swag-Filled Limited Edition Diamond Plate Loot Chest announced by Gearbox at PAX East

Over the weekend during PAX East, Gearbox announced the "Borderlands 2 Swag-Filled Limited Edition Diamond Plate Loot Chest". For those of you who missed out on the Ultimate Loot Chest Edition of Borderlands 2, now you'll have a second chance to something... similar.

The Borderlands 2 Swag-Filled Limited Edition Diamond Plate Loot Chest will be sold exclusively through at a price of $99 and includes the following:
  • Diamond Plate Loot Chest (18" long x 8" deep x 6.25" tall)
  • Loot Chest Certificate of Authenticity
  • A rare vacuform Goliath mask w/ SHiFT code that unlocks the head in-game
  • 20 Trading cards with SHiFT codes that unlock Legendary items in game
  • Vault Hunters Wanted Poster
  • Window Decals for Hyperion, Jakobs, Maliwan, and more
One thing that you'll notice is absent from the list is a copy of the game. This isn't so much an "edition" as it is a collection of swag and in-game content. This is a great opportunity to buy a Borderlands 2 Loot Chest if you missed it the first time around, or if you're interested in buying your way into some legendary weapons rather than grinding or trading online. For those of you who don't fall into those groups the price seems a little steep for what you get but the limited nature should keep the hardcore collectors happy.

Thanks to Umair Fiza for the tip!... View this article on the HomePage.