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Old 05-20-2011, 05:19 PM
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AndyPQube AndyPQube is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 32
Default Re: Emily The Strange Limited Edition available for pre-order at Amazon UK

Hi everyone
My name is Andy and I'm the Product Manager for Emily the Strange at PQube. I'm just stopping by to try and clear a few things up -

The Collector's Edition listed on is changing (the old one is still listed but no more stock is available) and will be removed asap.

A new collector's edition is being listed and will retail at £49.99:

This features:
- Emily the Strange secret locking diary
- Emily the Strange stylish reporters notepad
- Emily the Strange badge pack
- Emily the Strange key ring
- Emily the Strange “Strangerous” for Nintendo DS/DSi

It will ship in a presentation box and they should be numbered 1-200.

There is also available a Limited Edition version at and this is retailing at £34.99 (full RRP):

This features a stylish Emily the Strange reporters notepad.

For reference there is also a competition to win a Nintendo DSi at

Any questions give me a shout at and I will try and clear them up for you.

Last edited by AndyPQube; 05-20-2011 at 05:26 PM.