Re: The Last of Us: Survival, Post-Pandemic Edition coming to North America & Joel &
Originally Posted by Twisted
so for NTSC..pretty much nothing special at all...just wait for the bargain bin..or maybe check on line..somebody might part it out....i'm sure those who bought xtra's in order to cash in on hype/hysteria for the "ultra limited edition"...feeling sick to their was saying all along..that don't buy it the PR i NEVER ordered any of these..lesson learned from the US uncharted 3 version..but some die hard fans for naughtydog kept saying i would regret my decision of holding out till the price is slashed..i bet..before the summer is out these NTSC collectors edition could be picked up for half price...especially when PS4 gets nearer to launch.
This is a really good example of someone speaking before they do ANY research. Pandemic edition has been sold out for quite some time and has consistently been selling online for 2x the price. Cut it out.
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