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Old 04-19-2013, 08:06 PM
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Ayiu Ayiu is offline
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Default Animal Crossing 3DS XL Special Edition Console confirmed for Europe and North America

Nintendo have announced during their last direct-show that the Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS XL will also be released in Europe and North America. So far the Special Edition has only seen the light of day in Japan but now it is confirmed, the system will be released alongside the game on June 9 in North America and June 14 in Europe.

The game Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS is already pre-installed on the systems 4GB SD card.

Recommended retail price is set to ?199.99 GBP/? 219.99 EUR for people from Europe and $219.99 USD for customers in the United States.

pre-orders can be placed at for "only" ?189.85 GBP... View this article on the HomePage.