Originally Posted by Mancoon
Hey everyone just letting those interested know that dead island and zombie bait edition is not being scraped and actually being released in extremely limited quantities to interested collectors. These are the words of developer deep silver not me, how rare is extremely limited? I don't know. For those who don't know this was the edition that caused a shit storm earlier in the year when it was announced. It contained a limb less woman's torso in union jack bikini. I've seen worse I don't understand the issue. They originally opologized and discontinued production. Well it's for sale tomorrow. I normally wouldn't but have a feeling this could be a good one to hold onto. You can only order from the UK or Australia. I live in the states and pre ordered it earlier. 126 dollars shipped. Let me know what you guys think. The us version or any others don't come with the limbless lady's bust, ha literally.
here is link to ign article.
While not
that rare, it is definitely controversial.
Also, next time, post in the CE discussion section, specifically, the Dead Island Riptide thread. Memorabilia is for statues, figurines, posters, etc.