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Old 04-24-2013, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Possibly one of the rarest and most controversial limited editions ever

Originally Posted by vhal_x View Post
Surprisingly, this is one fact I don't actually know They originally said limited to 8000 and exclusive to Europe, but now AUS has it too, so not sure what's up anymore.

Also, the bikinis ARE different, so maybe it's 8000 of each bikini? There are four so far I know of:

British flag.
AUS Flag - confirmed on a video.
French flag - only seen promo pics, still needs to be confirmed.
American Flag - from Austria - seen pics of them being painted, haven't seen a "bought copy" yet though.

Raging that the bikinis are different, as I will need to hunt each variant down in order to complete my Dead Island collection xx
I know of the American and Australian bikini flags but have the french or british flags been seen in any unboxing videos yet or just promo stuff?
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