Nothing official yet, but a Swiss shop ( just listed a Collector's Edition for the upcoming and much-anticipated game
Watch Dogs from Ubisoft. According to their listing the Collector's Edition of Watch Dogs includes the following:
- Silver-, Gold- & Platinum-DLC
- Aiden Figurine
- Original Soundtrack
- Artbook
- Steelbook
- Interactive Map of Chicago
- 3 Faction Badges
- 4 Augmented Reality Cards
The game will be released in November 2013 and prices start at 129 CHF (~ ?105 EUR/$137 USD) for the PC Version and goes up to 149 CHF (~ ?121 EUR/$158 USD) for consoles. So far the website only listed it for current consoles even though it's already confirmed to be on next gen.
There has as yet been no confirmation from Ubisoft and there are also no pictures released from what exactly we can expect. As soon as we know more we will let you know!

Thanks to our ce.o member
Mathika for the heads up!...
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