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Old 04-28-2013, 12:56 PM
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nipperkipper nipperkipper is offline
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Default General Sale Thread - Steelbooks, posters +others

I have a few spare items that i need to sell, a few multiples and a few things i no longer want/need, this thread will be updated on a regular basis.

Here are the items, offers considered, prices are in GBP and exclude postage


Assassins Creed 3 G1 HMV steelbook - ?10
8/10 - no dents/dings but light surface marks/scratches as was never sealed

Darkness 2 G1 Steelbook - ?8
Mint but unsealed so therefore 9.5/10

Injustice Gods Among Us G2 UK steelbook - ?15
Mint but unsealed so 9.5/10

Borderlands 2 G1 Loot steelbook - ?16
8/10 - No dents/dings but light surface marks/scratches as was never sealed

Dead Island Riptide Steelbook G1 - ?7
Mint but unsealed so 9.5/10


Arcana Heart 3 Limited Edition - Xbox 360 - ?12
Sealed but dented/creased on some corners - 7/10

Atelier Meruru Limited Premium Grand finale Ed PS3 - ?50
Sealed but very noticeable damage/creasing - 6.5/10

Dead Island Twin Pack Limited Ed Xbox 360 - ?35
Sealed - 9/10 - small corner crease - very near mint


Zelda: Skyward Sword Guide - ?15
8/10 - Sealed but small creasing on top and bottom of spine


Bioshock Infinite Toronto Midnight posters - Trade for other location posters
Very small crease to one edge

Last edited by nipperkipper; 05-02-2013 at 07:44 PM.