Hi everyone!
I'm pretty new to the board, just wanted to let you all know a little something about me.
I'm a PC gamer, so I tend to not buy a whole lot of physical media. I like to collect art and statues primarily. My favorite franchises (to collect) are Bioshock, Dead Space, Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of some Silent Hill statues as well. I know I know, pretty mainstream tastes. Why oh why cant we get some Binding of Isaac toys though?
Here are a few quick cell phone shots. i'll replace the pictures when I can, I just wanted to get something together so I wouldn't be a stranger around here.
Boardwalk Litho
Down the line
Older Bioshock stuff
Bucking Bronco! My least used vigor. I'm just a Murder of Crows kind of guy.
I was thinking of re-framing the signed lithograph trio all together in a big custom job.
Unsigned litho. Missed the signed version and not worth scalper prices to replace it.
Didn't miss this one though! Yaaaay!
Nothing fancy, self printed in a cheap frame.
NECA masks
I finally got them displayed properly.
Decorative plate hangers from Michaels. Less than 2$ each.
Closeup on shadowboxes
The Sinclair Solutions pen is hanging in there
Nobody mess with the big daddy
SE stuff, I'm sure you recognize it
I guess I just don't believe in leaving things boxed. Wish she had wings too.
Gaming Heads headcrab zombie statue. Jeebus 1/4 scale is big. This guy is tall and heavy and you should get one.
Sideshow Isaac Clarke. Horrible photo, he really looks great.
He is the very model of a scientist Salarian
That's it for now! More lithos and some awesome Cook and Becker stuff on the way!