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Old 06-30-2013, 08:14 AM
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IAmTheLoneWanderer IAmTheLoneWanderer is offline
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Default Re: Wow Took Me Long Enough for an Intro.

Originally Posted by SwiftDeath View Post

I'm quite the fallout fan myself

Though I've not got a good start into the collectibles

Have you played Fallout 1 & 2 by chance?
oh man I actually have not. Fallout 3 got me into the series. Once I played that I was hooked. I was not able to play those 2 because I literally just got high speed internet where I live about a year and a half ago so I was unable to install the games on PC. That's why I am kind of playing catch up on collectables because I had no access to this site while living at home and no access to really any other site that I could actually purchase the actual items, except going into the local GameStop, which that is like walking into McDonalds and asking for filet mignon with some nice wine hahah
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