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Old 07-13-2013, 07:55 PM
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Default List Of PS4 Limited Edition Consoles

Let's kick things off and try and stay on top of things for the next generation
There will be 3 main categories
I will try to update original and costs with all editions
The categories will be

limited edition consoles
Any unique colours or patterns that are different from stock basic design, such as limited edition controller or limited edition silver console

Bundle Editions
Any unique box art
Or games that come bundle but that do NOT have unique or limited edition console art or accessory (controller / kinect art)
So a stock console in a custom box art
Slip cover version are also included here, where the console and box art is identical to stock but there is a slip cover with different box art on it

These can be promotional pieces
Or competition prizes or anything like the many elaborate versions that we have seen turn for the Xbox 360 console where most but not all are made by color ware with high detailed art work airbrushed onto stock consoles, some come with stock cardboard boxes and some come without

The desired format for information shall follow this template
Name of version
Any additional Info

Example ( i use an Xbox example as there is yet to be a PS4 limited edition, this is so you get an idea of the layout and I will change it when a limited ps4 is announced)

Name of version Day one edition

Last edited by LowlyAssassin; 07-14-2013 at 08:28 AM.
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