Did I miss something? Doesn't the regular edition of this come with everything but MGS4? If you want an extra one to play, just buy the half priced regular?
I just want one to play! I've actually never played any of the MGS games, but my friend has been RAVING about them and ever since we learned of the collection, he's practically forcing me to buy them. LOL I've checked some YouTube vids, they actually look like really good games.
This seemed like a good way to dive in and get, well, basically all of them for a reasonable price.
Yes, IMO Metal Gear Solid are the best games ever

I'm verrry surprised you've never even played 1! MGS4 scoring 10/10 everywhere, that's usually an indication that the game might be worth at least renting!
Hopefully this package will get some more people back on MGO, get it active again