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Old 08-20-2011, 10:29 AM
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Mackalaway Mackalaway is offline
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Default Re: Rumor: Call of Duty - Modern Warfare Collection

Originally Posted by Ryaku View Post
I went to my micromania and they have COD MW Steelbook, but they don't know if it possible to sell it withou preorder (maybe not), they call me today or monday , if all is ok i will have 8 Steelbook but only DVD size exist
comme indique en Mp, on a recu un message comme quoi on peut les vendre directeent et que cela n'a rien a voir avec les reservations

j'en prend pour tallkid123 , Futbol 04, Atter, and me
My shop had only 5 steelbook

Last edited by Mackalaway; 08-20-2011 at 10:31 AM.