Originally Posted by bbki
I'm impress but still not gonna forgive them for not bring xenoblade to stateside
F*** U Nintendo 
It's funny to hear Americans complaining about things like this when you get so many RPG's which never got released here in the UK.
I suppose this makes up for the likes of Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Wild Arms 2, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brigandine, Dragon Warrior 7, Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden III, Etrian Oddysey 2 & 3, Grandia Xtreme, Grandia III, Wild Arms Alter Code F, Monster Rancher 2, 3, & 4, Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, Inuyasha, Brave Fencer Musashi, Legend Of Mana, Threads Of Fate, Xenosaga 1 & 3, the Dot.Hack G.U. series - And to a lesser extent, Parasite Eve, Einhander, Clock Tower 2, Katamari Damacy, RPG Maker, Hey You! Pikachu! et al...
Need I go on?