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Old 09-02-2011, 07:38 AM
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Default Re: Passionate Collector and Caregiver - North America

Well they've gotten to be 86 so you must be doing a great job. I lost my grandfather a few years ago, he was about the healthiest 80 yr old you'll ever see (he was lifting winter tires the night before) so it was totally unexpected - He died of a blood clot, he wasn't on his blood thinners. Just goes to show anything can happen, that being said - Caregiving for 2 86 year old's must be a stressful job. I commend you man.

Haha, I don't blame you. but myself, I'd never open it. I would feel to pissed that I didn't just buy a used version for cheaper.

As for the bruins, I cheer for them second. It looks like my beloved sens are a confirmed dead last in the NHL once again and the Bruins are good for another cup run so I'm excited. I actually got to touch the cup this summer when Kelly (a personal friend of mine) brought it to Ottawa. It was pretty cool!
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