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Old 03-18-2014, 12:24 PM
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ingmar1988 ingmar1988 is offline
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ingmar1988's Flag is: Netherlands
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2,830
Default My wanted sony press kits and assassins creed stuff

1. Assassins Creed 2 gamestop launch kit

2. Folklore press kit

3. Lair press kit

4. Uncharted Fortune Hunter edition

5. Playstation move press kit

6. Ratchet and clank press kit

7. Infamous second son delsin rowe statue

8. Assassins Creed Black Flag gun in case

9. Assassins Creed Eagle Rose lithograph

10. A Ezio- Dessin d'tude Giclee Limited to 119

11. Ezio Lumiere Giclee Limited to 119

12. Ezio Combat Giclee Limited to 119

13. ebgames assassins creed pre order tin

14. Assassins Creed II, revelations and brotherhood CE guide
Always looking to buy ps3 press kits!
My collection:

Make me an offer i cant refuse and anything from my collection is for sale

Last edited by ingmar1988; 03-18-2014 at 12:29 PM.