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Old 09-06-2011, 03:44 PM
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Gemini-Phoenix Gemini-Phoenix is offline
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Default Re: How particular (anal) are you about your games?

MY standards for game collecting seem to get stricter and stricter as time goes on. I have always bought sealed copies of games ever since I started playing video games, but ever since I started collecting professionally I have upped my standards.

I now only collect sealed games, and only the mintest of sealed games. If I want to play something, I buy a second sealed copy to open, where I am perhaps a little more lenient to condition, but I always only buy black label first releases and never Platinum / Classics / Player's Choice etc. The only reasn I would ever buy these is for completionist sake for some of my sub-collections, but usually only if I already have the original release

I have also found that I am double-dipping / triple-dipping, and even quadruple-dipping on some titles. Fallout 3 and Bioshock 2 are two examples where I have bought every edition available, and Batman: Arkham City will probably be the next with four different copies ordered already!

Any slight damage is not acceptable to me. At least, not now. I have a few sealed NTSC U PS1 games from my early collecting career which have cracked cases, but these are the exception to the rule. Now my standards are much higher, and I return anything which isn't to my satisfaction, espeially if the seller has mis-described an item!

Where cardboard packaging is concerned, I won't accept any CE if it has dented corners or a squashed cardboard case. I have had to return so many PSP CE's this year due to this, but have always received replacements in good condition. I definitel agree that retailers should use a little more common sense and ship these items in boxes rather than Jiffy bags or double-sided bubblewrap
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