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Old 08-06-2014, 10:12 AM
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Redmagster Redmagster is offline
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Default Where have all the steelbooks gone??

Yes I know that seems a crazy question in the light of the number of steelbook releases that hit us every month but I'm wondering whether Scanovo are getting greedy or game stores are squeezing every last penny but the number of 'tin cases' 'metal boxes' and 'future paks' currently gracing the game case scene is starting to worry me..

Me - I'll collect anything made of metal but the quality of steelbook is so superior to other metal cases that it's a trend that saddens me

And, even on the profit note, I can't believe the demand for games in metal pak cases is as high as the demand for the branded steelbooks - so many 'steelbook' only collectors out there

Is this the end for steelbook (as in the branded product) domination???

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